Dec. 21, 2023

Saraphina &Stephanie

Saraphina &Stephanie

Hi, everybody.
Good morning.
What a Christmas treat and joy we are.
Happy winter solstice.
I know.
So we're dressed up like people from the North Pole.
It's feeling like it, though.
That's why it's so cold today.
Sorry we did it.
It's like the wind chill is wicked today and it's our fault for dressing up.
we brought her i know i was like why is it so cold you're like we manifested it look what we're wearing fun fact yes that is correct all right sorry not sorry i'm getting you all tagged in this just to make sure the first day of winter so it's fine what's your favorite part of winter
Um, so the warm beverages after being outside, the coming in and being like, it's, I'm chilled to the bone, but wait, I could have tea or cocoa or coffee or depending on the time of day or whatever.
But like that's, or soup, honestly, I'm old and love soup.
We've talked about this before.
I'm a homemade kind of gal.
So like I'll make a giant pot of soup and then like the best after a cold day outside, come in and have soup.
Good morning, RTB.
Thanks for joining us this morning.
No, you're not wrong.
And I do absolutely love good soup on a cold day.
It's perfect.
And it's not aged.
I've always been this way.
I came by it older in life.
Like it definitely kid me was like, no, I'll skip the tomato soup.
Just give me the grilled cheese.
But adult me is like, oh, the soup.
I got it now.
We sound like delicious dish right now.
What's your favorite part about winter, Serafina?
So good.
I'm ready for it.
Tonight is our final trivia over at Yacht Club.
And then I've got like a solid four days off.
And I'm very excited.
It's a Christmas miracle.
I know.
It really is.
I'm so happy for you.
Do you have your birthday off too?
I'm working.
But I'm making work my birthday party.
So it's a trivia.
It's only an hour and a half long trivia.
And it is part of I'm making it my birthday party.
So at least it's a little bit of fun.
Don't you think she deserves her birthday off, folks?
And it's the day after Christmas.
Like, it's not crazy to take that additional day off.
I'm going to push.
I'm going to forward my time off at some point in a later date whenever I want to, whenever I choose to execute my birthday.
I'll do it.
You could have a different season birthday.
That's what I feel like.
Cause so my birthday is in August and it's usually hot and miserable and people are usually busy in a way cause it's summer.
So it's hard to like reign people in and be like, but it's my birthday.
So I feel like I've always wanted sort of a different time of year for mine.
What day in August?
The first.
Oh, okay.
So it's like just there.
It's August.
See, Cliff's is toward the end.
So we always end up doing like fun birthday stuff for him.
His birthday is always magical.
We're like on a badass vacation.
It's usually nice weather the last time.
So I'm like, you know, July just happened.
So it's hot as blazes and it's just not as fun.
Rich says he just picked up his peppermint mocha at Dunk's and a lottery and dough boy donuts.
Delicious dish.
Always bring quinoa into the discussion.
I never asked you.
Do you like quinoa?
I do like quinoa.
It's okay.
It's one of those grains.
It's like rice, but not.
I can take it or leave it.
It's really great with avocado.
It actually is.
That is a fact.
So I saw that Duncan is taking away coconut milk.
I mean, okay.
That's what they were like.
Nobody wanted it.
That's why.
Do people really put coconut milk in their coffee?
I feel like that's one of those weird diet trend things, but not something you put in your coffee.
If you're someone who can't have milk, then...
Sure, there's almond milk and soy milk.
Like you have choices.
There's oat milk.
There's lots of choices now, even at Dunkin' Donuts, which is pretty great.
But like, are you really putting coconut milk in your coffee?
You weren't.
That's why they're taking it away.
That's fair.
Good morning, Pitta.
Hey, Mark.
Thanks for talking to us this morning.
And it's too healthy for your gut.
That's why they're getting rid of coconut milk.
I mean, if you mix it with Dunkin' Donuts coffee, that's kind of a mix match.
That doesn't track.
Also, I'm going to fire this down with a donut.
What's the point?
Yeah, that makes no sense.
All or nothing.
That's like, you know, that's like supersized fries with Diet Coke.
It makes no sense.
I don't get it.
But I like the taste.
It's all poison anyway.
What the hell does it matter?
I was having this food discussion with someone yesterday.
I don't even know how we got on this, like,
rant about healthy food.
Oh, I was with Jenny Wheeler.
I was like, why am I talking about healthy foods?
Oh yeah, it was Jenny Wheeler.
But she has healthy foods that are delicious as opposed to like, I'm supposed to be nourishing my body crunch on a like bland.
She's getting ready for this magical trip to Africa.
I didn't know that.
Oh, yeah.
That sounds great.
I know.
And I'm, like, so excited for her adventure.
And we're going to be, like, working together.
Is she going to the spice markets?
Because, oh, my God.
She's doing everything, including going to see What's-Her-Face's gorillas.
Like, she's going.
I know.
She's doing it.
That's awesome.
That's, like, trip of a lifetime.
Oh, absolutely.
And she's, like, cooking with a bunch of different people.
And they're filming it.
Like, I'm just really excited for this very cool adventure.
But we were talking about the shots.
They're no joke.
I went I went to Egypt in 2007.
And it was well, and some of the surrounding countries.
And it was interesting to like the things like, oh, you're going to the African continent.
Well, we have new rules.
Like, it's not just Europe.
You're going to a little bit different.
I'm like, it was worth it, though.
But I only went to this really small region.
I didn't, you know.
We're all going to die anyway.
Well, that's uplifting today.
Thank you.
It is my humbug day.
It is.
It is humbug day.
We're not having it.
We're returning it.
We are.
We're here to be your anti-humbug celebration station.
Good morning, Dave.
He said, happy first day of winter.
Kayla, Gail, thanks for joining us on the show this morning.
Serafina, it's always a joy when you stop by.
I try to bring fun and excitement.
Thank you so much for coming into my chaos this morning.
We were going to be on earlier and leave earlier, but one of my meetings got pushed.
I did not tell her.
So I'm rowing away.
I did a run DMC.
Honestly, again, proud of you.
And also, if you're going to stand me up for taking care of yourself, that's fine.
But like, I got my butt up and out way early.
Does anybody want to play with me?
And I usually like instead of knocking, I usually text you from the driveway to let you know I'm here.
And every single time she immediately is like, come on in.
So today I was like, I'm just going to go on it.
And no one's here.
empty house i like i was upstairs into the studio i was like hello i was upstairs rowing to christmas and hollis it was great i did something this morning i was just feeling so slothly i feel like we're all in that weird mix of i don't want to be working i'm mentally on vacation anyway but i've got all these tasks i've got to clean up before i walk away and i'm like a go for a walk in the evening kind of gal and if the evening is like four o'clock like i don't have time for that 3 p.m what
I'm like, are you kidding me?
It's dark.
I live in a semi-rural area where I'm not going for a walk at night.
No one's going to see me as their car is coming around the corner.
I'm not dealing with that.
A coyote will just snatch you.
Probably could take a coyote, but a car, not so much.
I can't go for my evening walks.
I'm still working by the time it's dark.
It is also National Flashlight Day, so you might need to have one of those for safety's sake.
Mari said you guys look adorable.
Thank you.
Good morning, Michelle.
I know.
Hey, Marie, what's going on?
So I'm just so glad that you were here.
And I'm just in that in-between time of trying.
And I've been sitting all day, every day at my desk.
So even yesterday when I was in a meeting and I was trying to stretch my hip flexors, I was like, when did you stand last?
That's not good.
That's the worst.
I try to like drink as much water as possible because hydration is healthy, but also it makes you get up.
Like you have no choice at some point to go and relieve yourself.
So that's my, there are days where that's my exercise.
So bad.
Forced exercise.
It's good though.
Although, although to be fair, I am still in physical therapy for my knee.
How was that going?
It's better.
God, it sucks being old.
It is better, but it's still not back to being my knee.
It takes forever to heal now.
So that's been real fun.
But at least I'm down to only twice a week.
I was at three days a week.
So we're getting there.
I was watching my husband go through that for the last three years with his shoulder post-surgery.
It's awful.
He couldn't even find appointments.
There were no appointments to have.
Nobody works anymore.
I don't know where these people are.
Who's independently wealthy?
How many Etsy channels are out there that people are making mad money at?
Well, I'm willing to take the early morning appointments.
there you go see early bird gets the worm my friends get it done seriously so I've been taking like the seven and eight o'clock appointments so it's like no one wants those those are always available I'm okay with that I'll get up I know so we're we're running away for Christmas which I'm totally fine with where are you I know I'm we're going to stay at my brother's place in um New York yep in New York because he's in California
So you're not going to see him for Christmas?
I was like, hey, wait a minute.
Your apartment's open.
Can we stay there?
Are you going to do the touristy thing and Rockefeller Center and the giant snowflakes on, what is it, 50?
There are so many other fun little neighborhoods and fun things.
So that's what I was kind of like,
making a loose plan beautiful this time of year i love walking if it's gonna be dark it's new york though it's never really dark right and all the lights it's awesome so many food choices so many i'm like i don't even care if it's dim sum christmas and we're sitting playing board games in his fifth floor walk up i don't care oh that's gonna be brutal it's forced exercise
Well, there you go.
I'm like, not even mad about it.
I'm like, I need the exercise.
I'm going to be doing nothing but eating.
You can eat all of the world's worth of food in the city.
You absolutely can.
Every single country is represented with a restaurant somewhere and then walk up five flights of stairs and work it off.
But what jogged my brain about this conversation is the fact that they have five shows a day at Radio City Music Hall for their Christmas Spectacular.
Have you been to that?
It's amazing.
So we're going.
That's awesome.
So they have it Christmas Eve, Christmas Day.
I believe that.
Five shows, one at 10 a.m.
I'm like, this is the best.
I get to go watch a Broadway show at 10 a.m.?
Yeah, because, like, it's – I mean, it's very family-friendly, right?
So I went to one, like – I don't even know.
I was a kid.
My grandma took us.
And, like, it was early.
It was, like, during the day.
I love that.
It was, like, we went to lunch after the show.
This makes my I-go-to-bed-at-5 p.m.
heart very happy.
But that's what we're doing, like, the whole –
that's what i'm saying like the whole family can catch it at some point i love that lenore good morning edie thank you good morning thanks for joining us you will not be bored in new york city no and lily is all for it cody's annoying i don't want to do that why because he wants his video games i said you're not going to lay in your room like a sloth and play fortnight for five days in a row it already smells like a goat in there it needs to be aired out we're not having it
So we have friends that are using our house because they need a place.
So this is just a giant swap.
I love this.
Because he needs a place to go with all of his kids and he doesn't have room in his apartment.
So it's like just a perfect swap of life.
And then you guys get to have like Christmas in New York.
Is Cody going to do the like home alone thing?
He better because he's going to have no choice and he's going to be so over us.
plus they're like teenagers and they're older teenagers and the subway is two doors down like there's so many things for them to do i would love that like go explore you can have your video games anytime anywhere meanwhile sending me tiktoks of why not to visit whatever new york and it was like packed streets and it's like new year's eve and i was like cody stop we're not even going down like that have you ever done new year's eve
Yes, I was pickpocketed.
I was robbed.
Oh, were you really?
Oh, I have two really great experiences in Christmas or New Year's Eve in New York, and you've been pickpocketed.
I was robbed.
I was 18 years old.
We were there with a bunch of friends, and I was like, wait, where's my, oh, oh.
No flipping way.
Luckily, when you're 18, what do you have?
A debit card and your ID.
I mean, honestly, I have maybe 20 bucks.
It's like, good luck, jerk.
Yeah, I went twice, and yeah, I was probably like 19 or 20.
both times like they were i think they were two years in a row and they were we were very young but like i both times it was like an amazing we found like the best free parking ever yeah two train stops away from where we were going like that doesn't happen that was a freaking miracle and then like i dropped a mitten which it's new york city your mitten is gone no someone found it picked it up brought it over to me saw and seen me with it earlier and they were like is this your mitten oh
get out of town got my mitten back she got pit pocketed i got my mitten back i'm just saying that might be the universe telling us who's who at this table
I was young and dumb and I wasn't paying attention.
But once again, I didn't lose too much.
And, you know, what is a slice of pizza in the city?
Five bucks at this.
Even now, still five bucks.
So, I mean, you're fine.
It was manageable.
It wasn't devastating.
This day and age, I'd be hosed.
Although I do lose my stuff all the time because I'm always going at lightning speed.
You should have seen the chaos of her trying to, I told her she needed to wear the Santa hat.
I was like, I am disappointed in you.
There's no Santa hat.
And she went and disappeared.
And I just heard a clatter.
I had her trying to find her Santa hat.
Five stories up, five stories down.
Where are my car keys?
I was like a Lady Gaga song.
Where are my keys?
I lost my phone.
I can't find my car keys.
I know where my Santa hat is.
I went outside.
I saw it through my car window.
I was like, there it is.
So it was very much like that poem the night before Christmas.
She arose such a clatter just trying to find her.
And all through the house.
Not a creature is stirring, just me looking for my keys.
I've rewritten that story.
It's fabulous.
So yeah, we're doing this fun little house swap.
And I saw the story today where Airbnb says that they are going to be using AI to
to tell if you're having parties in your rentals i need more details so for one who cares right it's new year's eve let it go if they're paying for three night rentals and as long as they clean up after themselves what does it matter mary mary i mean i do understand that um and i will speak from a friend's experience of airbnb she has one on her street
And she says all summer long, it's a zoo with the neighbors.
And they're so irritated by it.
Because I was like, why would you do that?
But then again, Lisa, if you're watching, she deals with it all summer long because she's by Cape Cod Beach.
And there's 9 million cars and crazy people.
And it's like, ugh, renters.
Okay, that's fair.
But other than that, AI, like...
What kind of AI are we using?
What does that mean?
Is there like a decibel counter inside the house?
It's like spies.
We're sending drones out to see if you have cars there.
It's getting a little aggressive, right?
What kind of AI and how invasive is it?
We already know that they're listening to us all the time.
If you say anything near a device, it's going to come back with ads and all the other likes.
We know this already.
So now you're adding AI to spy on us to see what, where, how.
That's what I just want to know.
Just tell me what it is that is invading my space again.
It's like vanilla sky.
I understand there's no such thing as privacy anymore because, yeah, we all have devices in our pocket tracking us, but also, like, there's just cameras everywhere now.
Everyone's front door has a ring.
We're on camera all the time.
No more privacy.
We gave it all away, but just, so tell me I'm admitting it.
I know what's happening.
Just tell me how you're doing.
Or like, at least remind me you are on camera jerk.
Oh yeah, that's right.
I got a delivery of goods.
I know I did not order.
It was AI listening to me.
Now that's freaky.
So it was preemptive.
You were probably saying, oh, man, I wish I had a fill in the blank.
Well, I would like to do that.
Will it be delivered if I don't have to pay for it?
Yeah, there you go.
Like if it's free.
I've tested out now, everyone, while it's new.
We'll see what we can get from that.
What happens there?
So we've got a little house swap going on.
Very much looking forward to it.
And then one of our weird news stories that I came across this morning, which made me laugh and prompted a question.
When is it appropriate to eat in public?
I want people to weigh in on this.
So if you've ever been in a New York subway, you've seen it all.
I have seen it all.
I really have.
New York especially.
Their subway is extra.
So recently when Rich and I were at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony, I stayed with my brother and then I took the subway in to Barclays.
Makes sense.
So it's like a 40 minute subway ride.
It's a good, you're on from the start to the end.
Yeah, yeah.
Really where we are.
But still.
I saw it all.
There is just a lot to take in there.
Just you name it.
Various shades of nudity, crazy, sleepy time.
Just the outfits, the sights and sounds.
I did not witness anyone eating a full lobster.
While commuting.
Why not?
It's New York.
But apparently this is what happened this week.
Weird news.
New York City.
That's epic.
An entire lobster.
And lobsters are messy.
As someone who doesn't eat meat, I don't love having lobster with friends because I'm going to get squirted.
Did you ever watch the movie Splash?
Do you remember when she eats the lobster, like, whole in the restaurant?
Even when you're not trying.
Like, ugh.
Well, what's funny is like that could this the whole lobster on the subway thing can only happen in New York City.
And and I will tell you that.
So I used to live in D.C.
The metro in D.C.
has food.
Public food on public transit is locked down.
Once I was taking the metro and I took out a granola bar.
really a granola bar folks and i open it up and i take one bite and a sound system comes on and it was like stow your food and i didn't realize they were talking to me it was just flipping granola bar i didn't even think much about it i'm coming from boston new york subway is like you can eat a whole lobster in new york i can't have a granola bar and like and so i take another bite it was like stow your food or you'll be removed from the from the train and i was like
who are they even talking to i'm like looking around like someone finally like nudge nudge like somebody better tell that person it's you could you put your like they will stop the train could you put your granola bar away and i was like wait for real like completely surprised so if if the metro which this is way before ai by the way they were watching and they were
Big, the entire train heard it.
I was now the person everyone was staring at for a granola bar.
And then they threatened to kick me off the train.
But this guy, whole lobster.
Not a problem.
New York's a different culture.
It really is.
Photos of it and everything.
Like, I can't even imagine.
A, the smell.
B, the mess.
And C, why?
If you're eating lobster, it's not like a cheapy lobster.
Why would you do that on the train?
Like, what world do you live in where you have to save time like that?
Guys, I have only 20 minutes.
I've got to get this lobster in.
Like, you don't have the ability to sit down and enjoy that lobster?
Like if you're going to eat on the train, it should be cup of noodle.
That's the grossest food in transit I've ever heard of in my entire life.
This is what I'm saying.
Rich says like stuff like AM pastries.
I mean, that's fine.
But outside that, nothing else should be eaten in public transportation.
It's so weird.
Subway, train, airplanes.
We've all taken that plane trip where people are bringing in like full smelly meals.
And then you're stuck with like that weird after McDonald's smell.
In the whole flight.
even i don't miss there are parts about working in an office and when someone would bring in their smelly tuna fish sandwich or like someone would heat up something gross in the microwave and like the whole office would smell like it you're forced oh my god i i went i used to work for the public school department and so at schools it would be an interesting mix of the people who had no idea that they shouldn't microwave fish and then everyone else who was like i know who did
this because it's the same perpetrator every time when you're in that office or that close network of people who work together you know who it is and they're all talking about you behind your back 100% stop one of our former trainers at the gym also you know who you are Bonnie not only that she like one upped it like eating tuna fish with her hands like in the gym on the floor while training someone like I get you got to get your protein in when you're getting ready for a show but
Use a fork.
Lift one, two.
I can't.
There is an incident this week at Mashpee High School where one of the teachers was microwaving their lunch and blew it up.
Whole school had to be evacuated.
What were they having?
Still, I want to know.
That information was not released.
That's the first question.
What were they doing?
What was the meal?
What was it?
And what happened?
Conversely, in Burnstable, one of the teachers left a Bunsen burner running.
That's horrifying.
Oh my God.
Two little nuggets happen.
I think everybody's just burnt out.
That's just it.
We're all on vacation already.
So tired.
Why are we here still?
And like with, with the big holiday, the reason why you get time off happening on, was it Sunday or Monday?
you have to work the whole week leading up to it because there's really no excuse.
Like Christmas is Monday, right?
So Christmas Eve is Sunday.
So like, you gotta, you can't get away with this.
Yeah, they're at school until Friday.
One of the worst is people eating fried chicken on the subway.
I've never witnessed that.
But that's also gross and greasy.
Now you're touching things.
What's the like, what's the like egg foo young, the like heavy noodle, lo mein.
Lo mein, chow mein.
I saw someone eating lo mein on the subway once and I was just like.
Because it's oily and smelly.
That's it.
They fall off the fork.
And this person was using a fork, by the way, not chopsticks.
And, like, you know it's going to fall right off the fork.
I can't.
The fried chicken's right up there.
I don't even like eating at gigs because I don't like that conversation where I might have something in my teeth while I'm talking to people.
I don't like it.
I'm always like, hi.
So it's just not worth it.
I will wait.
I will wait a few hours and I will eat in private.
No one needs to see that.
I was scarred because one time I was eating chicken because I was in a rush.
I left the office, had to go to the bank.
I talked to Duncan, the bank manager.
And then I looked in the mirror on my way out of there and I had like this big, like barbecue chicken, black, black, black from the barbecue.
And that's one of those things where I had a whole conversation with somebody like this.
And that's one of those moments where you're like, do I, or I don't want to say something in case that is not a temporary.
I wasn't going to go back in there and look crazy and be like, I have a whole tooth.
But the person conversing with you is like, I'm not saying anything in case that's a permanent mark.
Do yourself a favor and say something in the moment.
If somebody has something in their teeth, don't be a jerk and let them continue on their day with that.
Let them know, please.
Even if it's a weird, embarrassing, awkward moment.
And the subtle, like, doesn't work.
Don't do that.
Because then you just look like a weirdo.
I think Kim Kardashian, who's always like...
It's one of her tics that makes me crazy.
Not that I want to watch any of her offerings.
I still haven't.
Good for you.
I've never watched the Kardashians.
I've heard of them because everyone talks about them, but they're not in my world.
There's one girl that spoofs all of them on TikTok.
And my favorite is she uses post-it notes as Khloe's fingernails.
So they're always like falling off as she's doing stuff.
And it just makes me laugh.
It's really bad.
So that sounds great except I probably wouldn't get half of them because I don't watch them.
No, but you would enjoy the comedy even if you didn't the way that she portrays them and their foolish tics.
She magnifies them and it's absolutely phenomenal and definitely worth a watch.
Good morning, Lucinda.
Hey, Margaret and Suzanne.
I miss you.
How are you?
Good morning, Ashley.
Thanks for joining us today.
Serafina and I are just having fun.
Yeah, it's again, I've checked out.
I don't know about the rest of you.
Santa's coming.
And I can't wait.
Take some time.
Oh, yeah.
So are you familiar with the fact that Norad tracks Santa Claus?
I did know this because Cat Wilson used to do this big whole Santa Claus thing.
It's super fun.
But the fun fact about why Norad tracks Santa is, to me, one of the best stories because it does lead into what I do for a living.
So just stick with me.
So once upon a time in 1955, a Sears store in Colorado decided to place an ad in the local newspaper to give kids this phone number.
You can dial this number and call Santa and tell Santa what you want, which from Sears marketing, brilliant, right?
You're equating the Sears catalog with Christmas.
I miss that catalog.
Absolutely brilliant.
So they put this ad in the paper and yeah, kids called the number.
The problem was there was a typo in the ad and the phone number that the kids were dialing was not the Sears line created to ho, ho, ho, call Santa.
No, you were calling a unlisted black back line for what was later to become NORAD.
So back then it was something else.
But when it became NORAD, the same thing.
so they called norad and asked about santa claus and could i get this for christmas the guy answering the phone that night to his credit decides i'm going to play along let's do this and just pretend to be santa claus i mean they fixed it as soon as they could after that but like that's what started i love the tradition of every year norad tracks santa claus and all started because of a typo
So what I tell my clients is I'm your art department, but I'm a human being who went to art school and sometimes I miss stuff.
So you need to have as many eyeballs looking at your proofs before it goes to press.
Because most of the time when stuff goes to press with a bad typo, it doesn't start a time honored holiday tradition.
Right, right.
It's just you gave the wrong phone number out and someone called someone else and you missed that business.
You spent money for nothing.
Sears turned it around and now we all track Santa Claus with Norad.
But yeah.
To be fair, though, in the 50s, we didn't have phones and other distractions.
So people were more apt to play along with things because they were just bored.
That's true.
I mean, how many people are calling a back line at the Conrad or whatever it was called back then?
No one ever wants to talk to me.
I'll play along.
This is fun.
I'll be Santa.
There's nothing else going on.
It's 1955.
It was like me at the radio station taking your request for Smasher to Trash on 96.3 The Rose.
Very similar.
I'm here.
This is my time.
I'll happily talk to you and play you some stuff I've never heard of.
Sounds good.
It's up next.
And I did.
We didn't have phones.
This was my entertainment.
Now we're all stuck here doing nothing.
No one needs us anymore.
We'll be over here.
I'm a little fossil that I am.
Hey, we're streaming right now.
That's right.
We're streaming new to Instagram.
That is a new offering.
I don't know if it's doing it right or not.
Oh, yeah.
I said I was going to check that.
You know what?
I'm doing my best.
I'm right on top of that rose today.
That made my heart happy.
I scream a fun fact up the stairs at her.
She's like, write that down.
I'm right on top of that rose.
Don't tell mom the babysitter is dead.
Timeless classic.
We love Christina Applegate.
I don't know that you're
Is it that one?
Is it the other one?
I don't know.
I think they still have a problem with the stream key.
They're like, yay, we have this new thing.
Well, it doesn't work properly.
So back to the drawing board.
Yeah, no, you're not live.
Sorry, Instagram.
We tried.
Oh, well.
I saw that Cameron Diaz is trying to normalize sleep divorce.
I don't understand.
What is sleep divorce?
She does not sleep in the same bed as her husband.
Oh, so it's 1955 at the Diaz house as well.
And I got to tell you, if you've been watching any of my social media and my husband's antics, he needs a CPAP machine, A. And B, I'm kind of down for the sleep divorce.
his snoring is outrageous.
Oh yeah.
No, just get that fixed.
And then you'll go back.
I'm like this.
I'll nudge him.
And I'm like, okay, how long do I have?
Maybe I can fall asleep in this meantime.
Damn it.
Nudge him a little bit.
Wake him up a little bit.
Try and fall asleep in that in between.
Like it's got to go.
He's got a sleep study coming up.
There you go.
But those machines are like you and far between.
He has to wait a whole month to get the study done.
To do the sleep test?
A whole month.
Is this like go to the hospital to get the sleep test?
Send it at home.
So you're going to have to hook him up.
I'm down for it.
Anything to get my sleep back, please.
Thank you.
You didn't sleep before.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I bet you.
You stay up late and get up early.
You don't sleep.
I threw myself in the tub yesterday.
I came home from bowling and he was like, I see you put another video of me snoring on the internet.
I was like, what?
Oh, you saw that?
All right.
So I'm missing this.
So where is that happening?
I don't know if it's Facebook.
Usually my story, but I definitely TikTok him sleeping at work.
I'm not good at the stories and the TikTokies.
Guys, there are 4 million social medias.
What is everybody even using at this point to connect with people?
It stresses me out.
So on a personal, like I'm a dinosaur and I'm all about Facebook for my personal, like just like me and my friends, my family.
But for work, it's LinkedIn.
That's my go-to is using LinkedIn, which if you follow me or if we're connected on LinkedIn, you would have seen the NORAD story I posted this morning before coming in.
So connect with me on LinkedIn.
I have Instagram only because I'm a visual creative person.
So like it makes sense to post images on LinkedIn.
on Instagram, but I can't keep up.
I've hit the I feel like so when with music's always changing the media although now we don't even have physical media for music but like my dad would always be like we're doing this again like we went from records to tapes and then from tapes to CDs and then now CDs are mp3s and we just keep doing this like at some point my dad hit a wall and he was just like I'm not buying my music collection again without doing it and now that's where I feel like with social media I'm like I'm not doing this again I'm not moving on to a new platform it's not happening
I feel like it's reached its final stage, though.
I'm not quite sure if they're going to implant it into my brain.
Are there music implants?
I feel like you remember Google Glasses, which failed.
I think it was just ahead of its time.
I think that'll come back around.
It is.
They're making it more marketable right now.
$300 is their Metaglass.
That's where we're heading.
It's kind of good, though.
I don't hate it necessarily.
Think about it.
You're at a chamber meeting.
And you look over and you're like, I've met that person seven times and I still can't remember their name.
Well, your little Google Glass will be like, beep, boop, boop.
This is Tom.
And you met him here.
And I'm like, oh, yeah.
Hey, good to see you.
I haven't seen you since X, Y and Z. That is great.
If that's the only way you're using it.
You know, that's not how people are actually going to use it.
That's like I use AI to help me write my article.
And then it's like, oh, I wrote the article.
You know, like there's a fine line.
Well, you do have to have a base knowledge before.
You know what I mean?
No, you don't.
You don't think so?
I don't think so.
I think I could probably... As someone who doesn't have an English lit degree, I bet you I could go in and write a fabulous paper on a book I've never read using AI.
I would like to... I want to see this.
As someone with an English lit degree, I would like to see this.
I bet you we could pick a book I've never even read and I could send you a paper next week.
Can we put this to actual test?
Because I want to see.
Your birthday's the deadline.
I will email you this paper by your birthday.
Pick a book I've never read.
Go ahead.
I'm trying to think.
Anything by Chaucer?
Definitely not read Chaucer.
All right.
Pick something by Chaucer.
And let's, I want to, I want a one page report.
Oh, only one page.
It's nothing.
On the Canterbury Tales.
Oh, I have read the Canterbury Tales.
Another one.
Pick another one.
And then let's see.
And I won't know because I've never read it.
And I'll send you the paper.
We'll see.
I know.
You can report back next week.
I'm going to do the same thing.
Let's put in the same parameters, but I'll put in things that I know about the book and maybe some back end stuff.
And see if there's anything.
And let's see if there's more information to better write this.
Somebody suggest a Chaucer that isn't Canna Bear's hands.
So that way we didn't come up with it like someone out there.
It's got to be somebody fresh out there to pick something that we don't know about.
Hank says the Dunkin' that Time Forgot has reopened.
It looks great.
They still screwed up my coffee.
Well, Hank, there's still people in there.
All right.
So, Hank, as a New Englander, I feel like you should know the rules about Dunks by now.
There's always the one that gets your order perfect every time.
And it's like this mysterious, magical experience where it's the best tasting, whatever sandwich you order.
It's the best coffee.
And then there's always that one that never gets it right.
Never again, you shall have.
And those two places are never the same places for different people.
So you've learned the one that is never right for you, sir.
You need to go to the one that's always is right, even if it's out of the way.
That is the Dunkin' Donuts rule.
One out of eight.
Or Dunkin'.
I know.
They rebranded.
It's just Dunkin'.
One out of eight iced coffees are good at Dunkin'.
You're welcome.
There's one in particular that always gets my order wrong every single time.
And I refuse to go there.
And Natasha's like, that one's great.
So it's seriously, it's like not the same for every person.
It's person specific.
I am going to be sleeping with Darth Vader.
Yes, it is.
I've accepted it.
What's up, Molly?
Thanks for joining us this morning.
That's going to be more like the CPAPs, more like white noise at that point.
I'm okay.
And it won't be nearly as bad as the snoring.
You'll sleep right through that because it's constant.
It's like having a white noise machine.
You'll be fine.
I need that.
I need that in my life.
A little white noise.
Sign me up for it.
So yes, it is the first day of winter.
My favorite part about winter.
Cozy socks, slower days.
You know what I mean?
I like a good snuggle.
Grab a comfy blanket.
You're talking about sleep divorce.
Now you want to talk about, Oh, just you snuggle with the blanket.
I don't need extras.
Not your husband.
Got it.
No, he gets too hot.
There's a lot.
I love him here at this distance, like near radiating near me, lovingly looking at me hysterical one arm away.
I'm not a touchy person.
I'm not, I'm not, I am a hugger, but it's like hugging.
We're done now.
It's yeah.
I'm not super touchy.
Even my kids are like, Lily will come over and be like, Oh, you love this.
Don't you?
And I'm like, Oh,
She's just messing with you.
Oh, she 100% because she knows it.
She knows the way I am.
It's like a little too much for me.
I don't know why I am this way, but I am this way.
So these are the things I like about winter.
We've got the winter solstice, which is today.
And if you're a super nerd,
And you want to view the sunrise coming back.
So solstice is, of course, the longest night of the year because it's the shortest day.
And then the sunrise.
And we have Stonehenge.
Not here, unfortunately.
I've never been to Stonehenge.
I've driven past it.
And I was like, why aren't we stopping?
It's so far.
Stonehenge is something you can follow on Facebook and you can actually watch live videos.
So at both the winter and summer solstice, you can watch the sunrise or set.
So at 2 a.m.
Eastern Standard Time, the sun will be rising.
So tonight slash tomorrow morning, 2 a.m., the sun will be rising and it'll go through those.
You'll be able to see it through Stonehenge.
Very pretty.
And so you could enjoy the solstice celebration at Stonehenge via Facebook Live if you want to follow Stonehenge on Facebook.
Yeah, it's pretty neat.
I got to tell you, though, it's really in the middle of nowhere.
I was in England.
We were on the highway and we were like driving by and I see like the exit sign like here for Stonehenge.
But we were still going and I was like, I'm sorry, Stonehenge is right there.
Why aren't we stopping?
Because it's still like another 20 minutes after you take the exit.
And then you got to walk like three miles to where the rocks are in the middle of a field.
I mean, it's really I'm like, OK, so who's the dumb one here that went in the middle of nowhere in the middle of England to see rocks in a field?
Me, I did.
Well, I want to.
I want to be that idiot.
I've been to the Blarney Castle and kissed the stupid stone.
I didn't kiss it.
I watched Cliff do it because of the legend where they told you that you peed on it.
So then I was like, you kissed that.
I'm not doing that.
I heard that after, so I didn't know.
But they wash it.
I watched them wash it.
Oh, okay.
I was like, but is that something they tell you?
It was pre-COVID also, so we had different rules back then.
I let Cliff get on in there.
I was like, I'm not doing that, but you do it for me.
Send me some luck.
I definitely want to see Stonehenge.
That's still on my bucket list despite having been on the highway that goes to it.
It is pretty neat.
We were also super exhausted because we did all of our traveling and then jumped on the train, got out of the city and went immediately.
That was the first thing that we saw because we did the whole loop around the UK.
You're still jet lagged and stuff.
You can barely see it.
We were a mess.
I've got to show you the photos before you leave because you'll laugh.
We were all like a mess.
I hadn't slept in two days or rumpled, but my kids were wearing Mashpee t-shirts and Consuelo at the school was like, can I post that on Instagram?
I'm like, sure.
They love that.
I was hated.
For weeks.
The answer was no.
I was like, what?
It was cute.
They featured you at the school Instagram.
This is what I did on my summer vacation.
Hi, Kelly.
Enchanted forest.
Ah, hey, Mrs. Claus.
She wins the day here.
Good morning, Catherine and Amy.
Thanks for joining us this morning.
That is part of our trivia.
So all week long, we've had winter.
Makes sense.
And that is the answer to one of our trivia questions.
So if you're coming out to the Yacht Club in Hyannis tonight to see me for my final one, just remember it's Stonehenge.
That is the answer for one of them.
I can't help you with the other four rounds of trivia.
But that's one answer I got for you.
I'm in.
So there was a crazy crime story.
Serafina came in today.
She was like, I need the crazy crime.
Well, that's like two or three times I was on your show.
We didn't do crazy crime.
And that's one of my favorite segments.
It was rather disappointing.
I had to pull rank and make a request.
No, I definitely am glad that you brought it up.
And then we were hoping for a holiday related.
I mean, obviously.
Crazy crime.
And it was delivered to us.
I need more information for this story.
The story comes out of Missouri.
Oh, that's not a usual.
It's usually Florida or Texas.
Don't worry.
We have two of those if we want to get to them at some point during the show.
So the story comes out of Missouri.
And since today is Humbug Day, I figured this life, this guy is totally a true real life Grinch.
Vandal destroyed Christmas display at a preservation area and house springs.
Authorities said Lucas Clayton was arrested on Sunday, last Sunday, still in jail, by the way, today on $10,000 bond.
So somebody definitely does not like this man or hasn't been able to see a judge yet.
Clayton is accused of ruining the light display at the house springs park.
Sheriffs received word that someone had slashed six inflatable Christmas decorations, stole extension cords, tossed things into the pond, reindeer decorations, and several plastic candy canes all floating in the pond.
That's just bad for the environment.
But it doesn't say why.
I need to know why.
And the only thing I can think of, here's my theory.
My theory is he got whammed in Whamageddon.
And he's really mad about it.
I told you that one more time.
Are you guys familiar with Whamageddon?
It's my husband's favorite song.
Oh, my God.
So I could never play.
I would always lose.
I got it.
I got to the 14th this year before I got whammed.
So tell everybody about Whamageddon.
Whamageddon is this annual holiday game where whether when you're out in the wild and randomly there's Christmas music because it's basically it starts in November now.
But the game goes from December 1 to December 24.
And you are trying not to hear whams last Christmas.
Now, the rules are, if you're the one who hit play, that does not count.
And if it's a cover, that does not count.
It has to be Wham's version of Last Christmas, and it has to have happened naturally.
So I managed to get all the way to the 14th before.
And I literally was like, oh, I'm being Whammed.
Halfway through.
You made it halfway through.
So I only get 14 points for Wham again.
That's all right.
Good morning, Patricia.
I saw that Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney posted a photo of them superimposed over the Wham album for that.
I loved it.
It was a definite Christmas gift for me.
I love those two boys.
It's a fun game.
I mean, you know, so that's what I think happened.
This dude got whammed and he was really mad about it because he was trying to beat last year's score.
didn't get there so he destroyed a christmas display see that at least brings a little bit more fun to it i even went to the full-on story from their their news station i mean the other thought is like he's in retail and really needed an extension cord yeah right like what and he's just done that's the only yeah i think the guy's just a jerk i think it bottoms down to he's just a jerk i mean even if christmas isn't your holiday which is valid but like
Enjoy the lights.
I don't know.
I just love the fact that it's dark as anything right now, but everyone's got lights in their house.
This one's a true Florida crazy, crazy crime.
Where an Ohio man was caught in Florida exposing himself at a Dollar Tree store.
Oh, that's like the trifecta, right?
So you feel like I'm in Florida, so I get to be Florida?
When in Rome.
absolutely but ohio is also one of those states that are regularly on that list honestly like it's usually florida texas or ohio so like that's great because you got two there and i mean adding dollar store into the mix is just chef's kiss like
Not like this.
Oh, my God.
Not at all.
No, that sucks for the people who work there.
Like, honestly, like, keep yourself to yourself.
Can you put it back in your pants, dude?
People don't want that picture sent to them and they really don't want you to show up at their place of employment.
It's not right.
Where are you at in your your work life balance right now?
Well, I'm not exposing people at the Dollar Tree.
I think I'm all right.
Actually, I'm okay.
So I've had, and Janet Flores is one of them, actually.
I had a lovely, like, I reached out to the people who were mid-project and I was like, we could do it this week.
We could plow through.
or we can wait till new year's like one of your, like, cause I'm, I'm not working next week.
I'm taking next week off or some mental health decompress, like, you know, and, and so, and absolutely I had one client was like, no, yeah, let's finish it.
And everyone else was like, see you next year.
I was like, so it was perfect.
So this week's been great.
Yeah, I feel very fortunate.
Good for you.
And let everybody know what you do and they might need you and planning for 2024.
New year, new business.
You need something.
So I am a photographer and a graphic designer and I help small business owners with their marketing artwork and their branding.
So if you are brand new, you're starting a new business next year and you need a logo and more.
This is not brand is not just right.
Oh, that's like the exclamation point on your brand.
And then if you're local or if you do products and you can ship them, I can take photos for your business as well.
So like I just was hanging out with Kelly at Enchanted Florist not too long ago.
Taking some really amazing photos of her flowers.
I know.
She takes such care.
Her shop is so great.
It's also just like a pleasant place to be.
So if you need flowers, that's where you should get it because also you're just going to have a great time hanging out.
Kelly, I got to tell you the amount of people that were in awe of my Thanksgiving display that you did.
gave to us and gifted.
Her baskets are so cool.
So cute.
And also lasted a full month.
I believe that.
It was a quality.
When I was there, I bought some flowers to bring back to my office and I was like in love with them for several weeks.
But I had that bouquet in my office and I was like, oh, look at that.
Aw, love you, Uncle Dan.
He said, happy early birthday, niece.
Thank you.
That's right.
That's about all.
They sang Happy Birthday to Me Monday at Trivia, which I appreciated because I wasn't going to see them post my birthday because next Monday is Christmas.
That's a thing.
I know.
I feel like this year I'm so removed from it.
My husband did all of the shopping, which is what he likes to.
He gets anxiety if he doesn't get things done.
And I'm like, eh.
it'll get done i'm like that this is why my stuff was all done like months ago too in the same way oh yeah you freak out if it's not like checked box in fact and natasha's very good at checking
being the balance for this is like we have a Yankee swap or white elephant or whatever we're calling it like in January like well into January by the way it's like mid to late January and I already have the thing I'm giving and it's already wrapped and ready to go and I was like so are you going to do that too and do you have that or do you need me to wrap it like I was like she was like isn't it like over a month away yeah I got no I don't know what I'm doing for it yet I've got time I was like right Cliff is also the rapper
Because I grew up, my parents did not wrap gifts.
They were not gift wrappers.
It was kind of like, this is your pile.
Did it go in a bag?
No, no.
So like Christmas morning stuff was just under the tree.
Santa just delivered, like emptied his sack and put his stuff there.
You are the second person this year I've met where they've told me that.
And, and I was, it was weird to me that people wrapped gifts that were not Santa's gifts aren't wrapped.
They just came out of the sack.
But like in every cartoon, you see the elves wrap the things.
Like every cartoon image of Santa is like wrapped gifts in that bag.
You're like, take out.
They don't take out stuff usually.
We were not influenced by media in my childhood.
And look at where she ended up.
All of my brother, my sister, my brother's in TV and my sister's in publicity.
we were not influenced by media we were fascinated by it when we got it it was a treat we were just forced to listen to our parents and what my mother said went i didn't have a choice like what she said to me was gospel i just believed that there was not my poor parents when i little little me noticed that santa has the exact same wrapping paper and handwriting as mommy
I totally put that together way too early.
So my, the following year, my mom was like, okay.
So she bought a different roll of wrapping paper and it was Santa's paper.
And then my dad's block handwriting would go on that.
Those things.
So it was like from Santa and it was like, not my mom's handwriting.
and i no but that was enough for me i was like oh okay like the following year i was fine my younger siblings never caught it so but i was totally that kid who was like why is santa's paper the same as mommy's
no that's crazy and your family didn't do it at all they like didn't bother but it was good because there were no clues but how did you know which ones were from your family which or were they all from they were all from santa oh see that's see we had one gift was from santa yeah and everything else was from mom oh yeah no it was awesome we all got one thing from sam but i mean also santa also screwed me on my birthday because it was here is your bike for your birthday and christmas
Here is your big thing for your birthday and Christmas.
Right, because that's what parents do.
But then you can be mad at Santa instead of your parents for that.
But let me tell you, as a kid whose birthday is in August, Santa never got me anything for my birthday.
So you can turn that around.
But I never questioned it.
It was, I guess, apparently a smooth transition into the army.
I was like, well, I just follow directions.
I go where I'm told to go.
Are you the oldest, the youngest?
I'm the oldest.
And I didn't ruin it for my siblings either.
I was just like, no, this is what we do.
We do these things.
And they were like, but why?
They're like, but why?
Both of my siblings are but whys.
I'm the but why.
I'm like, I need to know why.
I need you to explain or I'm not doing it.
Because we just do it.
Why are you going to ask so many questions?
We just show up.
No, I need the why or I'm not doing it.
And the people who have learned that about me are the people who have kept me.
Like, basically, they're like, okay, I understand.
Let me tell you why we're doing it this way.
And like...
Yeah, I've had some jobs where I was clearly the worst employee because I would just be like, huh?
And I really feel like this is why I have such a hard time parenting sometimes.
I was like, I just told you, so you're supposed to listen.
And both all of my children are like, yeah, right.
Yeah, but why?
All of my children are going to do it differently than all of everyone else.
They're all different.
If you're a Y person, tell us.
Because I bet you we outnumbered the followers.
But for me, it was just easier to go along because I'm not going to fight her.
My mother is very strong, very strong-willed.
It's just not worth it.
this proves that I'm a jerk.
Cause I was totally like, Oh, I'll go.
You're so exhausting.
I'm like path of least resistance.
Is this going to get me through negative?
I will throw down, especially with my parents.
Now I'm like, I'm over it.
I'm a very different me, but kid me was like, Oh, it's like, can, can this be over now?
So I can go do what I want to do.
So different.
Also, it's different.
And somebody brought this up fairly recently, which I laughed about because it's always like the hiding from the kids.
And yes, I know, Don, about Santa.
I mean, Santa was real at one point.
OK, Santa is still real.
Words escape me.
Merry Christmas, kiddos.
What's up, Rich?
Thank you, Captain Inappropriate.
We love you.
He was in my E4ALL cohort.
Yeah, I was his mentor.
I was one of his mentors.
Hi, look at me.
I freaking love him.
My words escaped me.
He's like, I don't know what to do with these two.
So I was having this conversation with another mom friend of mine.
And as I was going through my jewelry box and I had like locks of hair and kids teeth and like random stuff.
You're one of those.
All of my children.
I'm like, I could be construed as a serial killer.
Or a crazy mom.
So why do I have this?
I feel like I can't throw it away.
I don't even know what kid it came from.
Oh, that's a problem.
DNA from someone, you know, 100%.
I have this whole drawer in my jewelry box of teeth and hair.
I don't know where it came from.
It's creepy, but I don't want to throw it away.
I don't know what to do.
I don't have kids, so I don't have a good answer for this.
I know that my mom kept the first lock of hair from the first.
So like in my baby book is like a little ringlet of my hair.
I don't know or think she kept the teeth that I don't have.
We haven't run into that.
But she did keep the baby bracelet from the hospital.
It's like this big.
And she had her bracelet.
So like each of the, her hospital bracelet with each tiny human.
So she had all, she kept all those.
But I mean, I have all of those too.
No, no.
I feel like I don't know what to do.
I don't know what to do about it.
You can't like, I'm a serial killer.
You can't craft with that.
Like, please don't make a necklace.
Like if the world ended today, they would be like, these people are creepy.
What could all of her, these trinkets from all of other humans.
We need moms to chime in.
Is that a thing?
In a box.
Do people keep the teeth?
I would like to know some other mother that is also as creepy as me.
I don't know what to do with it.
I feel like I want to throw it away, but every time I'm like, think about it.
Moms of the world, chime in, please.
I'm curious about this.
Again, I've never had this impulse, so I don't know.
Your parents told you there was no Santa?
Who said that?
Santa, I responded, I believe the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Santa, and walked away.
Denise, also, I have the teeth.
I don't know why.
I'm not alone.
So it's just a cultural thing I don't understand.
That's fine.
What do you do with it now?
Well, I mean, it's like,
Should I throw it away now?
I don't know.
Kelly was 10.
That's a good run.
I like that 10-year-old.
I love that all of my children never ruined it for the little ones because we've got a big swath.
Our oldest is 26.
You know there's always some punk at school that does it.
And our youngest is 14.
This one just turned 15.
But yeah, they never ruined it for either one of them.
They believed for a very long time.
I feel like 10, though, it's like, Eric, you know, it's time.
I don't think I would ever tell my kid.
Yeah, they figure it out.
Usually that stuff gets ruined for them on the bus.
That's the thing.
It's some jerk at school.
It always is.
So don't let your kid be that kid to some other family.
That's what we need.
That's it.
Be mindful around you and always dress like Mrs. Claus.
I had a friend in grade school who was Jewish and I was like a third or fourth grade when I was like, oh, and she was like, well, I've always known, but I was told not to tell you people.
Oh, I like that though.
I was like, that's fair.
I was told not to ruin it for all of you other people.
She's like, I've always known he wasn't real, but I, you know, I'm a good person.
I love that.
I also like log cause, and I'm kind of excited for the win on that one.
Well, that's why I feel like we'll have much more, we'll have better food for Christmas in New York.
That's true.
You got so many options.
So many.
I'm very excited for it.
Anything that you want to hit before we leave?
I mean, we've been yapping on for an hour here.
I love it.
Happy holidays, obviously.
Enjoy the New Year's, whatever you're doing for that.
I feel like we're having a low-key one this year.
Normally I'm for sale, but I made my price exorbitant this year because I wanted it for me.
If you're going to go out, it's going to be.
If I'm going to go out, it's going to be worth it.
So I've got a couple of like pre new year celebrations at some of the older adult communities that I work with.
I know.
So it's like the 30th and like early in the afternoon.
Like you are my people.
If you like to be in bed by 8 PM, you are my people.
Yeah, we're doing it low key this year.
We've had a lot going on, like personal lives.
So we're just trying to keep it low key.
But for I do have to I'll come back some other time and talk about it.
But I'm doing a webinar in February and I'm going to be speaking at a conference in March.
So nice, exciting things coming for next year, which is fun.
Like I can't even wrap my brain around another year.
I'm going to participate in a polar plunge this year, I believe.
Yeah, we'll be over at Knockabout and they've got the Polar Plunge and I'm doing it.
That's awesome.
Well, I have an extra layer on me, so I feel like we... It does not matter.
It's going to be so cold.
I know.
I know.
That doesn't matter.
Our friends at Cape Cod Cold are plunging today.
They're meeting at three 30.
So justice is getting dark to go plunge.
If you want to follow them or interested in it, there's no sharks.
This is a safe time to go in the water.
Well, I mean, there are, but like not where you're going to be going for a cold plug.
Yeah, you're fine.
you'll be fine.
Um, but I, there are so many wellness benefits and I will, uh, I've talked to our friends over at Cape Cod cold before, but if you want to join them in their plunge today, um, go with a bunch of friends.
It's better off not trying this alone as you're plunging into the water and cold temperatures.
It's kind of a little scary.
But they'll have like a medic there or something.
Oh, Denise says, well, I paid dearly for those teeth, so I want to keep them.
That's funny.
All right.
You did make them from scratch, I guess.
You made them from scratch.
You had to pay for them as the tooth fairy.
That's true.
We did buy these.
It was a terrible, terrible purchase.
That's true.
It is a bill of sale, isn't it?
So I guess keeping your investment is worth it.
I have not thought of it that way.
So creepy.
Moms are weird.
Oh, yeah, totally.
Sethi Spice has Elastic Glam.
They've got a New Year's Eve countdown that is going on, Lemonadeo, so you can listen to Glam Rock and enjoy it.
And, oh, happy birthday to Jane Fonda before we go.
She's 86 today.
Well, happy birthday, Jane Fonda.
She looks fabulous.
We saw Clint Eastwood having his directorial done.
I guess juror number two is being remade.
Man's 93 years old.
I mean...
If you really love what you do, you never work a day in your life, right?
So you're going to do that until you're 93.
But God help me, I hope by 93 I can just take a break.
Although we had a cute story about a 95-year-old woman in Falmouth that still is working at the soup kitchen, still gets up and bags stuff for everyone.
I mean, I guess that's probably what keeps you going, right?
Those are the people who do live.
Objective motion.
The people who retire at 65 and just hang out at their own house, maybe that's why they don't make it to 95.
I kind of like the idea of that.
Just for a few years.
I need to recoup.
I need to rebuild.
I need a sabbatical.
I got to figure out how to get paid through a sabbatical.
Let me know.
I'll help you.
I'll be your assistant.
Whatever you need, I'm right on top of that, Rose.
Then we'll trade off and I'll be your assistant while you take a sabbatical.
Sounds perfect.
I love it.
Help your friends, everybody.
Entrepreneurs out there, check on your friends.
Check on your other entrepreneurial friends.
They might not be doing as well as you.
They might be stressed out.
Don't believe whatever they posted on social media.
Actually reach out.
It's true because I feel like this time of year as things close and people take time off, sometimes you count on that regular income and you're not prepped for taking time off, taking days off.
I know my friends that are in the restaurant industry are severely suffering right now with the cost of food, with the way people are.
COVID numbers are back up.
It's a lot of scary things for a lot of people.
Just because you're joyful doesn't mean everybody else is around you.
So it's just a reminder.
Gentle reminder, check on your friends.
Just, are you okay?
Can I bring you soup?
I love you.
Happy winter, everybody from Serafina.
And I always say thank you.
And we'll see you next year.
I think I'm done for the year.
I think this is it.
I don't know.
We'll see.
She'll be back next week.
Yeah, right.
Stay tuned.
I'll let you know.
I did my very best.
And if you're listening to us on Lemonadio, Hank is up next.
He's got a lot of fun stuff.