Jan. 17, 2024

Josh, AJ, & Stephanie

Josh, AJ, & Stephanie

people with all my Gaza jokes, so you guys have me back.
Try to get yourselves canceled.
Well, you're here again today.
From the river to the sea, we will be Josh Frey.
Let's see what we can do.
Let's go.
Let's go.
I love it.
Hi, everyone.
Good morning.
Look at us halfway through the work week.
Yeah, look at us.
We're here.
We made it.
I mean, it's a better week than last week.
I feel like I was on fumes completely last week.
Look at you in your Madonna celebration sweatshirt, AJ.
That's right.
So were you there on Monday or Tuesday?
I was there on Tuesday.
Okay, so was I. Yeah, Tuesday was the best day, but she was an hour and a half late.
That wasn't bad, right?
It wasn't bad.
Nobody around me was complaining.
They're like, yeah, she's Madonna.
She can do whatever the hell she wants.
She really can.
And she can't be making money off of that tour.
uh no no absolutely not like a td no way well also because the love of the game when you play past midnight you have to pay your fines there's all kinds of like ridiculousness that goes along with a writer so i feel like all of her shows are a net loss so i'm not sure why she's doing it other than like i've got a job for my kids yeah here are my children here's all 18 of my children it's
So all I can say about the Madonna show was it was late.
It was a crazy ride back to the Cape.
And it was really like a drag show with a little bit of Madonna.
I loved it.
It was everything that I want.
I'm not mad about it.
I'm telling you, I'm just saying it wasn't a concert.
I'm surprised my congressman didn't write a paper about it.
It was like, did you know that Madonna was reading to children?
I'm just going to back up to this one.
I'm not a Madonna fan.
You said it's a drag show.
Oh, that's bullshit.
When I was singing Like a Prayer, you were singing with me.
I was praying for you to stop.
You were there too?
No, I'm actually not a Madonna fan.
AJ makes a lot of stuff up about me to try to make himself seem cooler.
She complained about the marijuana smell no less than five times.
I was like, know where you are.
Yeah, because Josh was there.
My God.
She was clearly smelling Josh.
That is true.
I was selling merch as well.
You're selling t-shirts.
Madonna was spelled wrong.
I sold AJ his bootleg sweatshirt.
First of all, this is an authentic sweatshirt.
Yeah, that's what we told them.
Well, I got the street merch.
You've not seen it on me because my girlfriend bought the two of them.
Actually, I paid for them.
She somehow got them.
She lost hers and then had to take mine because she had to show her coworker the next day.
Even though it said Madonna on the shirt, it had Lady Gaga's face on it.
No, it was definitely Madonna-like.
I don't know what it said on it.
Yeah, Madonna-like.
So is Lady Gaga.
What's up, Chris?
Hi, Gloria.
Thanks for joining us this morning.
So we've got AJ and Josh, the sold-out comedians.
You've got some shows coming up.
Yep, we sold out.
We are now doing Fox News stories.
It's just like, women are things.
Well, they're property.
And those are the jokes that AJ will be telling tomorrow night at knockabout.
And you can't, you can't get there.
Cause it's sold out.
Oh, so disappointing.
For some reason, those jokes will kill anywhere.
It was just like, just, just go in the first night.
My pronouns are kiss my ass.
Oh my God.
So brave.
You are in for really a treat this morning.
I'm looking forward to it.
A couple of guys on fumes from sleep and, uh,
Yeah, because last night we were trying to calculate the chairs because Pete asked me to have it a certain amount, but I accidentally had it at five more.
So we're just trying to calculate.
We're calculating so everybody sits comfortably.
Yeah, that's difficult because it's a tight room.
It is, but it's a magical room.
Knock about.
Even Josh made a blurb about it, which I absolutely love because he posted there's a magic about the room that you just can't describe at all.
Yeah, it's true.
But you have to experience knock about for yourself.
for sure and it's very intimate so when you bomb you very much know you're bombing honestly but that that that's the thing about the room i mean we've we've done every room in in new england and for some reason i've never seen somebody really just eat well except for that one guy who just left the stage i think on the show that you and i i i must have missed that one
the the guy that left oh that was houghton yeah oh yeah no that was houghton yeah he he did he did two minutes he's like these are my four jokes i'm going home i'm defending you chris because i calculated you did three minutes and 10 seconds it was a it was a tight one minute up front and then it just kind of sputtered and you guys are so supportive of your fellow comedians
Oh, absolutely.
That's why I'm defending him right now.
He said, do you guys like grocery stores?
No, I've been Chris Houghton.
That's terrible.
What's up, Sue?
Hey, Rich.
I miss you.
I have not had a chance to see you.
We have another 10 minutes to do on Chris Houghton.
Get it done.
We're just on here burying our friends.
I'll get a shovel.
Well, Chris, we love him to death.
Very funny kid, but he'll start jokes.
And if he doesn't get a laugh during the premise, he aborts.
Is that a Gen Z situation?
Like I'm not getting immediate gratification.
Oh, that's an excellent question.
He's in our 30s like us.
I'm in my 40s.
Are you a Gen Xer?
technically a late millennial.
Yeah, an elder millennial.
I don't like labels.
I just like to know what I'm working with sometimes.
That's all.
Chris was there at the open mic yesterday, and he did awesome.
And there was a couple newbies that we saw, like Jimmy D, who's been doing open mics for a while.
He did so awesome last night that we put him on one of our Plymouth shows.
Oh, nice.
So shout out to Jimmy D. There's a new guy out, Koda King.
That was his first time, and his dad was there.
I could tell that was his dad because when he was texting, the light on his phone was on.
so so like either that during the show during the show well while he's filming i said either that's his dad or he's looking for his keys what's up sarah coda did talk too much about how much he loved his parents during his set so i don't know if he's gonna make it i'll come to boston in the springtime rich right now i don't know what we're gonna get out there mother nature has decided to deliver us winter and like very quickly i didn't like it
Oh, the winter time is great.
Clearly, it's not that bad if we're all drinking iced coffee.
Yeah, you said that you thrive in the winter.
You're a happier clam when it comes to that.
Oh, absolutely.
And summertime, I'm just so sad.
What's up, Mark?
Thanks for joining us this morning.
So I thought I would do something fun before.
Well, you've got a show coming up.
Give it a little pre-promotion before we get to like the meat of our talk today.
Because I think I'm going to guide you guys into something funny or it could be a bomb.
You never know what you're going to get.
So all of my sets.
So tomorrow's night show is Jimmy Cash, but that's already sold out.
So you can't have it.
You can hang outside the door, you can smoke cigarettes, but you're not coming in the door.
And that's too darn bad.
But we do have tickets left for Lenny Clark Wednesday the 24th at Knockabout.
You're going to love it.
Tickets only $49 to see the legend who's currently on the NBC hit show Extended Family.
He's so funny.
He's the greatest.
There's something I can say about Lenny is that he never forgets a face.
he is so kind and it's nice to see him in a small intimate space like not because you really feel like you're part of his family it's the only small show he says yes to just just just because he loves it so much yeah you can try out new stuff yes okay because he's like you know well i can't try out new stuff at my club because i have to kill straight straight every time but i can bomb here at knockabout we can button things up here at knockabout and i love that
i love how people can feel the the the comfortability of coming down totally it's the same thing with gloacky even though he had to get coveted and and we had to replace it with alex g and papa which uh g and papa he is so great and he's like just having a moment right now he's like got some new stuff out there it's the political season he's dabbling in that area and i'm like you're nuts good luck
she and papa is probably the most underrated headliner in boston he's super super funny if you've not had a chance to i would like to get him down here again that was just like such a surprise for me because i've hosted him on this show before virtually right before he had his baby and his wife was in the background like kind of peeping in like it was just really funny i just had a baby no he's beautiful
He's just so funny and he's got the voice.
So like the two of us with the voice was just really funny.
I enjoyed it.
What's up, Thanos?
And hey, Ryan, thanks for joining us this morning.
So I've got AJ.
Hey, Penny.
We've got Josh, who just really I enjoyed your set when I saw you at knock.
I thought it was really funny.
And then there was another comedian that you had had from Rhode Island.
That was his.
Oh, Tyler Hittner.
So funny.
Tyler is great.
He embraced all of his handicappedness and just killed.
He crushed that rub.
Tyler is a shining diamond in the sea that has...
for the Rhode Island comedy scene, which Rhode Island doesn't deserve its own comedy scene.
It's just terrible.
It's all SSA and abortion jokes the whole time.
And they're like, oh, why am I not getting laughs?
I was just like, come on, dude.
Just talk about yourself.
It's bad.
Just talk about yourself.
Just look around and crack jokes, do crowd work.
You're in Rhode Island.
I will say I love the like comedy park crew.
Oh, the comedy parker is great.
The urban comedy scene in Rhode Island is fantastic.
It is great.
Mr. Couset, Duchess SS, shout out to Duchess.
She's fantastic.
I love Duchess.
I want to be baby daddy number four.
She is kind of like a female EJ Edmonds.
Shout out to EJ Edmonds, who's probably not watching.
They're both out having more babies.
Is that just for more material?
I feel like every time somebody got up at knock last time I saw you guys, they were like, just had a baby.
I'm like, is everybody doing the same actor?
We did.
We draw a card that we have to work this into our set.
Josh and I specifically booked comedians that just had a kid and we see who can stay on stage.
Who would do that?
Go through nine months of pregnancy for another like five to 10 minutes of guys.
I need some new material.
Let's get another one going.
We're three minutes and 10 seconds.
Let's do it.
All right, so things you need to know.
I usually get this stack of stuff in the morning and I laugh about the news of the day, the what things are going, the water cooler talk.
So I figured I'd just throw these facts out at you as to what is going on, things that you need to know.
Do we really need to know them?
Or your reaction to them, how you feel about them.
Things you need to know for what it's worth.
Champagne sales in the US were down 8.2% last year.
What the fuck are we celebrating?
Maybe, maybe.
We're celebrating the return.
It's going to be great.
Please, I can't.
It's going to be a long political season.
The ads have already started on television.
I'm not prepared to deal with this for like the next eight months.
Listen, Stephanie, excuse me.
Excuse me.
You're being rude.
You're going to get all the stakes.
You're going to get all the college, all the university.
side note aj just got back from iowa how was that oh it was great he voted three times for trump hey first first of all two of those were real can you please as a new englander talk to me about what it's like to be in middle america doing comedy
middle America doing comedy.
They, they, they love me.
The thing is rednecks love me.
They, they, they love me for some reason.
They question their sexuality.
Like maybe you're like, you know what?
That's not that bad.
We did a show in Plimpton and I was just, I was ripping on the bathrooms right next to the stage for some reason.
So I was doing crowd work.
That's coming out.
There was a, there was one guy on Coke who kept going to the bathroom like every five minutes.
shout out to real deal joel davis who now does comedy i haven't booked him yet because i'm afraid he's gonna do like so much cocaine right in the show yeah you can't leave the stage during your set to do a bump that's not real
it is real i feel like rocket raccoon oh it's real i feel like i don't know if i want you to be the representative from new england out there in the midwest where people think that that is just what all of us are like this do they think we're all like you uh yes
And they actually like us more now.
Oh, okay, thank you.
Thank you for representing us.
Because they think everybody is bi out that way, but it doesn't make it a big deal, or at least tries not to.
It's a spectrum.
Back off, all right?
Sure he likes Madonna, but he also likes Creed, so he's not so bad.
You can't say that out loud.
We all love Creed.
Oh, come on.
No, you can't.
You can't sit with me.
Dude, the gayest thing that I did the day of the Madonna concert was buy tickets to go see Creed in August later on.
And he sucked three dicks in the parking lot.
And still, not as gay.
This is not a family show today, just in case you were wondering.
If the word comedians did not throw you off in the morning, this is not the show for you.
Hey, shout out to Dorian, who says, AJ is the best representation New Englanders for middle America.
There you go.
Thank you.
Thank you, Dorian.
That was very specific.
That's a terrible thing to say about New Englanders.
what's up mike i am bumping up the stuck that's it um so which is the healthiest apple i'm concerned that there was a group of people that were like which one is the healthiest one healthiest apple yes according to a study red delicious apples are the healthiest from an antioxidant standpoint the best apple it is my favorite the red delicious yeah the red delicious oh aj likes adam's apples
First of all, Adam's apples, the greatest apples there are.
Oh, boy, it's going to be a long morning.
He's really been working on that Trump impression.
He's going to be doing it all day.
Wait, what impression?
It's just a guy I know.
I don't know this Trump guy.
um also three years after uber bought drizzly for 1.1 billion dollars they're shutting it down what is drizzly it's booze delivery oh well they needed it during the pandemic right so apparently we no longer need to pay extra to have booze delivered we're just picking it up ourselves nobody's drinking anymore they'll stay in operation nobody's drinking anymore everybody's doing mocktails like all their friends quit drinking i'm the only one that's still hanging on because i'm a loser
Well, also, they're also supplementing with cannabis.
We kind of slid over to that.
We're like, cannabis and mushroom teas and all kinds of other whatever weird so that we can feel a little crazy, but not so crazy.
Even Donald J. Trump switched over to the mushroom coffee.
I get directly from the mushroom kingdom.
From Mario.
Have you heard of this guy, Mario?
Well, Stormy Daniels, I guess, is set to testify.
Stormy Daniels, she's a Yoshi face.
Very, very ugly.
How do you get hush money from someone and then testify anyway?
I love that.
First of all, Trump's lawyer, who is it?
Michael Cohen.
Yeah, Michael Cohen paid her off to shut her mouth.
And what is she doing two years later?
He didn't pay her enough, apparently.
Mike says Creed and made the vomit face emoji.
What's up, T?
And Rich says Drizzly still works in a pinch.
She said, oh, are you stacking up on that white claw crap?
No, that's Greg.
That is not the panel you see in front of us.
That is solely Greg Hiller.
Hey, white claws, there are no laws.
I've got a good guy friend of mine that that's his drink of choice is the claw.
It's concerning.
Is he also from P-Town?
Oh, okay.
I'm sure I bumped into him.
He's a single middle-aged man.
By the way, Greg, if you're looking to date, we're going to be doing some speed dating over at Wicked.
I'm going to be the host, and I'm really looking forward to this.
I have no idea.
We're crafting the show right now.
It's going to be pretty magical.
Oh, excellent.
If you're over 25 and there is no cap on this, show up.
We're going to have a good time.
no cap that means no lie all right i'm done i don't know that's the last one no i don't think i think that that's a lie i don't think you can control it we're gonna turn this into a drinking game for everyone watching at home just every time he does a little early trump impression to take a shot what's up you do your trump no it's all you are you allowed to i do biden do your butt
Yeah, he did his butt and he was smelling my hair before the show.
He also fell down the stairs.
Talk to the person over there.
I think we're insured for that, but don't quote me on it.
I'm taking all these microphones.
That's about all I got.
You can have one of my kids.
You already have one.
Maybe it needs a companion.
I've got a couple that I'm willing to part with.
They're older.
One that won't get her license.
She's almost 18 years old and will not get her license.
And she is the bane of my existence because she asks for rides constantly.
It's not like I've got this.
I'm going with my friends.
It's I've got this, this, and this, and this.
It never asks our schedule prior.
Mine's 11.
I'm about to just give her the keys to my car.
Take it.
Good luck to you.
You probably do better than I am.
No, she's tons of fun.
You're so convincing, Josh.
Wow, that sounds really convincing.
Oh, look, your daughter's in the chat right now.
She said F Josh.
Sounds like her.
I feel like I remember a little of that from your act.
If you're looking for a May to December relationship, look no further than actor Dolph Lundgren.
He's 66.
His wife of almost one year is 27.
Good for him.
It's nice that he's dating his granddaughter, I guess.
What does his face look like?
I haven't seen Dolph Lundgren in an action movie in 20 years.
He was an Aquaman.
Was he?
Five years ago.
And Creed 2.
And right now he looks like fucking Bridget Nielsen.
So if his wife is 27, she was born after his peak.
After all his movies were out.
She has not seen Rocky IV yet.
She doesn't even know what the franchise is about.
She's good.
She's 27.
She's like, honey, do you want to see the bad survivor?
She's like, what the hell is that?
Well, to be fair, in our trivia this week, Queen Elizabeth was crowned queen at 27.
So there are different ages of 27.
That was in 1825.
That's fair.
I saw that an Ohio mom says that her daughter was bullied at school because she didn't have a Stanley tumbler.
So what are the Tumblr feuds again?
It's Stanley, and what's the other one?
I don't know, Yeti.
Cliff made me my own Stanley Cup.
I appreciate this one better.
Have you lost your damn mind?
I'll help you find it.
One of my favorite shows.
I just really love The Office.
I could rewatch it and watch it a million and five times.
It still holds up.
So, so there was a, there was a scene in the office.
If, if many at home haven't seen it, where this character, Ryan was being talked to by Stanley, who's on her cup, like a middle school daughter.
And he's like trying to stay away from her, but there's a deleted scene in the next season afterwards where Ryan is actually hitting on his, on his daughter.
Who's who's who's 16 at the time.
And Stanley just flipping out, chasing him into the women's room.
I was like, why did they not keep this on the show?
It should have been part of the show.
It was so good.
So good.
Did you know this past Monday was Blue Monday?
The third Monday of every year has picked up a reputation for being the most depressing of the year.
Oh, then the booze delivery service should be up.
Clocked it up.
Well, everybody else got Madonna the first night.
I would have been depressed if I had Madonna the first night.
Apparently that was awful.
Why was it awful?
because it didn't even start till midnight.
Oh, so she actually had to pay the fines this time.
Oh, 100%.
But I heard on Monday, they actually played, what's the song that came out in 98?
If I could melt your heart, but she didn't play it on the Tuesday song.
Sounds like I missed out.
Sophia Luce Baxter, by the way, is the number one song in the country right now.
Did you watch that movie, the viral movie that's out right now?
What the hell is it called?
Burn something?
No, I haven't.
Everybody's telling me about it.
They said, oh, yeah, the pervert guy in Saltburn reminds me of you, AJ.
Why is everybody saying that?
rich there's also a way to get compensation for attending that concert he was an anti-madonna the whole time when i showed up i rolled up into boston around eight o'clock he's like what movie are you gonna go see first taunter you are a taunter anyway there's a new movie out sulper and everybody's talking about it it made sophie ellis baxter's hit murder on the dance floor number one in the country the hit came out in 2001 it's like the kate bush effect
her right now and i watched her during the pandemic do discos with a disco ball in her living room with her very british children and it was the most enjoyable thing but she was never a big time hit but this movie has now made her a hit 22 years later it's it's funny to see like certain songs like that get brought back by like the most random like the fleetwood man yeah with the guy just cruising behind the
yeah thing with the the whole like uh i think it was ocean spray yeah yeah tick tocking are you waiting for your big tick tock moment guys what are you waiting for as a comedian when you get out there like what is your big thing like what is your goal death uh my goal josh is death you guys are awful to each other i'm i'm i'm a big grumpy guy he calls me white stanley
that's not right it's not right leave me alone i'm doing my sudoku and the other jewish people are going to him like this like yeah but he's like pervert aj more choir boy aj less who is this one i don't know my my my my my
My comments just stayed on Dorian's praising me.
That's it.
It just stayed there.
And did not reset.
Good morning, Eva.
And good morning, Nate.
Thank you so much for joining us.
So we've got AJ.
Hey, Penny.
And we've also got Josh.
Are you working on anything new?
You guys, when you start out something new, is it just one joke at a time?
Or is it like, I've got a whole new minute and a half.
Do you go by time or do you go by the development of your joke?
I'm just so curious.
That's an excellent question.
Cause some, sometimes there'll be just like one joke, one amazing joke.
And sometimes there'll be a string of like two minutes where it's all nothing, but it's going to mold into a diamond, like a 15 second diamond.
I mean, we all kind of work differently.
Like, you know, we were talking about Chris before.
Chris will work out a premise.
He'll just do the premise for, like, six months.
You guys are horrible to each other.
They're just burying our friends.
we, we love, we love Chris.
He's no, like, I mean, there, there are different kinds of jokes.
Some, sometimes like, you know, just in conversation, like you'll, you'll say something funny and then try to work backwards or you come up with a premise or, you know, sometimes it's a story.
And so, I mean, if, if you're doing a story, obviously like it's going to be drawn out and it's trying to figure like, if you have something funny at the end, you got to kind of figure out a way to kind of punch it up throughout the story.
So that you're not telling an eight minute story for just like one, one small laugh at the very end.
And then you're like, that was my time.
Like Sam Buck.
But there are some comedians that are great, great at that.
Telling this fabulous story and then ending with a good laugh.
And then that was enough for them.
And then there are ones that just like tell one liners like the whole time.
Like that gives me anxiety when I watch a comedian that is like the king of the one liners.
Well, that's the beauty of comedy.
And that's why we book different types of comedians every time.
Like Sam Buck, a good friend of ours, when he does the one-liners, it's my favorite thing in the world.
But you can't have a whole show of just one-liner comedians.
so you have like a storytelling comic you have you have the one-liner comic uh you you have the guy that does does bits in between do you structure that when you organize a show uh for knock about yes for red nun no and red nun is is just absolute chaos which is why people go because they love to see the chaos for the bleep show let's do it hi amanda coleman how you doing
Oh, Amanda.
Like read, read none.
AJ will throw up the shittiest comics just to make like a few other comics look a little better.
That's not true.
I give locals a chance and I put them next to the veteran comics on the show.
And they're like, what the hell is this?
OK, you want to explain around it?
Like like this guy, Dorian, did five minutes of abortion jokes.
And then I have this followed by John Parada right afterwards.
what is john prada's comedy he's he's crowd he's they call him the the italian don rickles he's okay awesome yeah he's great he's he's a mentor of mine and we we try we try to throw him on as much stuff as possible but uh he's one of the shining examples of rhode island comic okay he teaches a class but for some reason like 90 of his class like doesn't listen to him and because they all want to be alan fitzgerald they all think they're funny yeah
I don't know how you deal with the pile of people that are naturally funny, but not great comedians.
Like that would stress me out.
Good morning, Emily.
She's visiting with her little one.
Well, luckily your little one doesn't matter if they swear at all because she's brand new.
So welcome to the world, baby.
Oh, is it Tanya again?
Cause Tanya, I'm sorry.
No, Tanya actually had like a five-year-old that was going to last.
I think that's a scar.
She knows better.
She knows where to be right there.
Shout out to Tanya.
Oh, Kyle, like me.
Shout out to Kyle.
Oh, Kyle.
What is he doing in Vermont?
What are you doing in Vermont?
I don't know.
Being molested by one of his professors.
I'm not sure.
Oh, is he back at school?
He's at UVM.
Good for him.
He needs to go back to school.
Listen to your mom and dad.
Go beauty school dropout.
That's it.
That's my daughter.
His twin brother came and did a set last.
Doesn't it throw you off when somebody else has a twin?
There's a new show right now on Netflix or whatever, and they're exploring the diets and the lifestyles of twins.
But it just really freaks me out when you don't know there's another one.
And then you see the other one and you're like, ah, there's more.
And actually, they've got another brother that looks just like him, but not the twin.
Did you know that Kyle has a third brother?
He'll show up with his whole family.
Are they fun?
I was hosting open mics at Flashback in Hyannis, and he showed up with the whole family and did a set his first time.
It was funny.
Kyle's dad is hilarious.
Too bad comedy skips a generation.
Shout out to Kyle.
Poor Kyle.
I did some inappropriate jokes with his mom.
Kyle's parents are great.
They are great.
I host a Zoom show once every three weeks and Kyle is on every single one and he does awesome on them.
What's up, Huck?
Huck is out there boxing at 40, you animal.
And also looking for sponsors.
He signed himself up for a Vegas fight.
Serious fights.
He brought both of his belts here.
Yeah, boxing.
I know.
Well, my ring's outside.
I don't know if I want to see that coming from you.
I would love to see AJ fight somebody.
Oh, yeah.
I would love it.
I would bet everything I own on the other person.
I feel like he'd do okay, though.
I feel like he's scrappy enough.
I think he would do okay.
Oh, I would fight dirty in a ring.
I wouldn't do so well.
Like, on the street, that's my ring.
I didn't hear no bell.
Filipinos are known for dirty boxing, so...
Isn't it the national sport?
Why does AJ have a biker gang behind him?
I have a whole cartoon thing going on in my head right now with you and a biker gang.
It's not a great visual.
We know where you're behind.
I know.
I don't know.
Taco Bell launches new cinnamon twist cereal in partnership with Uber Eats.
I have so many questions.
None of it makes sense.
Wait, wait.
Start that over again.
Taco Bell launches new cinnamon twists cereal.
in partnership with uber eats it could be because diarrhea at 2 a.m isn't enough we have to bring you it at home because that's where you have to be when you eat this like it's not good so they're trying to take over first meal too right they're trying to be they're so trying to be part of breakfast when they threw pete davidson out there to be part of breakfast with whatever it was i was like that oh really pete davidson
We all know Pete Davidson doesn't wake up early enough.
No one.
And I watched his latest comedy special.
I want to laugh.
It's it was fine.
I haven't seen the special, but I did enjoy Bob kiss.
It was good.
Like his acting stuff is good.
His movies are good.
It was good to see Pesci too.
His standup stuff though.
It's not, it's,
It's funny mentally, but it's not the ha-ha laugh.
Well, it's also a type of brand of comedy.
Because he also started when he was 16.
He got on to SNL when he was 21.
So really, his comedy style hasn't really matured.
But if you like Pete Davidson, I think you will like the special for the most part.
It was all right.
Not the best thing I've ever seen.
But it was...
but I wouldn't feel that the special was a complete waste of time.
It's like, I just got out of rehab and I need some money.
So I'm going to do this special.
Here are my jokes.
And there were some funny moments, but I did not lie.
Fell asleep twice.
It was probably the worst comedy thing that I saw on Netflix last year was the roast of the Jonas Brothers.
Like, none other than Pete Davidson.
I don't think I saw that.
I didn't see that.
Yeah, but, like, Netflix buried it.
That sounds terrible.
It was so bad.
Oh, it was terrible.
They have Lilly Singh, who, like, has never made me laugh once.
And Pete Davidson was on there for three minutes, but that three minutes wasn't worth the whole special.
like it was fine, but they only hired woke comedians.
They're there for the, am I right?
Am I right?
Am I right?
And like, what does Trump have to do with the Jonas brothers?
Just lazy.
It's just lazy.
If you want to see a good special that just came out recently, you got to check out a new Gary Goldman on HBO.
Gary Goldman is fantastic.
It was like a, right after the whole Israel Gaza thing.
Like I, I,
decided to join a synagogue in Cape Cod and I went there to meet the rabbi and we ended up talking like Gary Goldman and comedy for 45 minutes.
It's like, yeah, this is the place.
Oh, that's, that's amazing.
Talk about joining the synagogue, please.
You know, sometimes certain things in life just, you know, inspired you to do things that you, you know, you had the world you had wanted to do for years.
And like, you know, I have this new bit about, uh,
when things are really bad for Jews and the anti-Semitic like Semitism hits like a fever pitch, like it brings out the, the Jew extra Jewy.
So you like, you know, I've been, yeah, actually super Jewy.
I love it.
Go, you go, you go to where you feel safe though.
You go with your, like your, it's not your people, but I mean, whatever it was, I feel like when I explored a lot of religious stuff when I was in the military, cause it's like,
okay um if i stay at the barracks on sunday uh i'm gonna have to clean so we're gonna go explore some religions and that's what i did i went to like different kinds of religious services because i was just curious about them yeah no it's it's good to do that you know kind of uh what's out there world with other people right but yeah no i mean that kind of inspired me to i i've been out of
the congregations for, you know, 20 to 30 years, something like that.
And, you know, after everything happened on October 7th, I figured it's a good time to join a synagogue and register for a legal firearm.
So, you know, sometimes you need the right motivation to do some shit.
They're all just after Josh.
He's arming himself, both of them.
physically and emotionally and spiritually you're dressed and look like a doomsday prepper already look i i had i had two choices it's either arm myself when i'm on stage or get rid of all of my jewish material and aj will tell you that's like 60 to 70 percent yeah so that wasn't gonna be a thing nope you will just do premises on stage and then a so i'm jewish good night everyone kind of like hoan
All right, good morning, Josh.
Hey, Mari, thanks for joining us this morning.
We've got AJ, we've got Josh, and they've got upcoming shows happening.
Where are you guys going to be?
Where can we see you?
What's going on?
Lenny Clark on the 24th, Wednesday the 24th at Knockabout.
Get tickets now.
They're a little over half sold out right now.
The show will sell out, just like all the Lenny Clark shows have sold out.
Oh, he's the best.
And Josh and I also have at Knockabout, we also have Mo Moussa coming down.
He's going to headline on February 22nd, Thursday, February 22nd.
Tickets are already selling for that.
The first round of early bird tickets are already gone.
But the second round of early bird tickets are there.
Oh, you owe it to yourself to see Mo Moussa, too.
He's great, and he's going to do stuff.
He's going to blow up.
He's going to blow up.
His style is kind of reminiscent of an early Dave Chappelle.
He has a very similar cadence.
Brilliant writer.
I love Mo.
And he sounds like Chris Rock, even when you're talking to him.
He sounds exactly like Chris Rock.
That kind of sounds like the best of both worlds.
Chappelle writing sounding like Chris Rock.
Oh, absolutely.
That's a solid guy I want to listen to.
And Aaron writes Mo Musa.
So Aaron also knows how good Mo is.
And in 2021, he won New England's Best Comedy Competition.
And that's tough.
I feel like being a New England comedy person that you get...
We expect so damn much from you.
You better be funny.
We're jerks.
We're the most competitive region of the world, I'd wager to say.
And anyone who thinks that they're more competitive than us, I will fucking kill you.
He's got guns in a synagogue, so watch out.
He's got the group behind him.
Don't mess with him.
All I can picture is you, Rambo, going to synagogue like a cat.
guys should all come out for the landing show it's going to be great yeah the last one was interesting because my father has no decorum oh oh yeah that's right your dad was in the audience do you do anything inappropriate to have like your parents be there have you ever said inappropriate jokes in front of your parents does that make you feel weird
Oh, yes, he has.
Especially his mom.
I was headlining a show in Weymouth a couple months ago, and my mom came and my girlfriend came, and they're sitting together.
My mom's filming my set.
And I have a joke about a bunch of raunchy things with my girlfriend.
And like you can see in the video, it's like I'm telling these jokes.
My mom turns and it's filming my girlfriend.
Oh, so awkward in your face.
I didn't see it, but AJ goes up after my set and it's just.
That's so awkward.
It was it was very funny.
Especially to be seated next to your girlfriend, the one that you're talking about doing things to.
I just can't imagine how that went.
That's awkward.
Your mom was filming you and then you said a thing about your girlfriend.
She just turns and films her.
Please put that on social media.
I would like to see that.
Your mom sent you that video, right?
No, I have.
I have.
I have the video.
I have the video.
That's for his reels when he really blows up.
That's for later.
Yeah, I can't.
I can't bury this joke yet.
I have a unique relationship.
Once it's online, you know, you got to.
Not necessarily.
Not necessarily.
Because because GM Papa, he he did like maybe like 10 to 15 percent of the jokes they posted online that knock about.
But most of the stuff you haven't seen.
But but but that joke has a has a callback to a previous joke and it would kind of ruin the whole.
Yeah, don't ruin your set.
Not here.
It's not worth it.
I mean, you're worth it, but pay to go see a show.
Will you support these comedians?
And then Kyle Lynch writes, I deliberately tell inappropriate jokes when my parents are in the audience.
I think they're just happy to see me on stage.
Oh, that's cute.
And I definitely believe that, too, because he's he's going to knack for that.
He's a he's a he's a very sweet kid.
Also, side note, very racist in the group chat.
It was just like, Kyle, what lives matter again?
What's up, Joe?
Thanks for joining us on the show this morning.
I have a unique relationship with my parents.
It's like what you see is what you get.
And my parents know all of my dirty dirt and they know all of my stupidity.
So I feel free.
It's an open relationship to be an idiot in front of them.
I'm also not on stage sharing it with everybody.
Like, that's my idiot kid.
Look at it.
And Dorian also writes, Josh should convert to Islam and get new material.
Oh, that's tough.
Yeah, thanks a lot, Dorian.
Just like married with children.
Thank your father, kids.
Thanks, dad.
Even with the crickets, that was his best joke so far.
Take that, Dorian.
Dude, and then Kyle puts in parentheses, orange man, bad.
Well, he's a UVM kid.
He hates Syracuse.
And Aaron says to you, Josh, don't do that to Jess.
Either one of you guys.
Aaron, Aaron, don't start.
You know how this will go.
Do you guys want to do a little crazy crime?
Crazy what?
Crazy crime.
I'm always down for crime.
It's usually a Florida man and a Florida woman.
And we've got two Florida men and a Florida woman story here.
So we could go really anywhere.
Ooh, let's do it.
A Florida man caught stashing NFL cards, deviled eggs into a stolen backpack at Walmart.
What was the plan there?
Is there a connection between the NFL cards?
No, I think that's just what he had.
These are the things he wanted that day and put them in a backpack to try and steal.
He is having the weirdest Super Bowl party.
First of all, if he's stealing the eggs, he's already deviling them up.
It's just the smell in that backpack.
It's grossing me out.
He wants the smell of NFL.
He's recreating the magic in there.
He wants to recreate the smell of Gronk.
It's a metaphor for the Patriots season.
I am so happy the Patriots are losing.
The more that they lose, the better comedy shows too.
I don't because realistically, it's better for live shows if our teams are stinking.
Like Cleveland, great comedy scenes.
great comedy scene but now that cleveland's winning uh it's not it's been not so great in the cleveland and columbus area okay i see the correlation they've got nothing else to do we're going to drown our sadness and a little bit of comedy football's not as bad because it's usually sunday during the day and maybe monday night sunday and monday aren't the biggest days for comedy the biggest problem
is when the Bruins and the Celtics are in the playoffs, and they usually make a deep run, and you're trying to do a Friday show, and the whole bar is trying to watch the game.
That is not the best for your shows when things like that are happening.
Like Rob McElhenney was at the whatever award, the Emmys, and he was watching the football game on his phone and not obviously being part of the show that he was at.
Kind of annoying.
It's his fault the Eagles lost.
Blame Rob.
It's his fault.
Florida man throws beer can, fires AR-15 rifle after being upset by speeding drivers in his neighborhood.
That's the most Florida headline I've ever seen.
Sounds like a Kid Rock fan.
There's definitely like trucks and some tobacco spitting going on in this.
And Florida woman tried to pass off her dog urine as her own for a drug test.
Well, in fairness, have you seen this Florida woman?
She's right here.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
She could pass as a St.
The problem was the dog ate all her meth.
She got busted anyway.
Your dog tested positive for drugs.
Can we have your urine now?
What's up, Wendy?
Hi, Tom.
Thanks for joining us.
AJ, hey, Penny, and Josh are here entertaining us this morning as our comedians in the morning.
Not necessarily appropriate for morning drive, but I'm enjoying it.
We are very appropriate for morning drive and needed for morning drive.
What the hell else are you going to do?
It's Wednesday.
It's hump day.
Get up and get moving.
i haven't sworn once on this one i've been a good boy most mostly you have you've been good i've been i've been a good boy sorry tanya i'm trying to hit a quota here woman who didn't take a shower for six weeks swears it was worth the wait uh she could also pass the urine test i'm itching thinking about her gross
I love the Florida man.
Scroll back up.
I love that Florida man.
This terrifying one?
That throws a beer can and fires an AR-15.
Look at that beard and haircut.
He looks like the mascot to We Buy Ugly Houses.
I wish I could share.
I can't share the screen right now because then I have to download it and that's a big thing.
Oh, you have to right click.
So annoying.
And I have to find the other screen.
It's got seven screens going on over here.
It's like Vegas up in here.
Can't deal with it.
What's up, Lisa?
I should have been there.
Got a good set of teeth, though.
He does have a good set of teeth.
Let's see.
No, there are no teeth.
She's got no teeth.
I can't look at these photos anymore.
I'll take a pass.
All right.
What is the worst moment in comedy you've ever had?
Right now.
Welcome, everyone.
You got it on film.
Probably doing a 45 year high school reunion.
That's awkward.
Oh, yeah.
Especially doing it at 45.
Like, we're not going to meet at 50.
We're not going to meet at 40.
We're going to meet at 45.
That's got to be one of the weirdest gigs.
It was probably the weirdest gig I ever did.
Because right beforehand, they said, listen, AJ, before you go up, we're going to play an in memoriam of all the people that died.
Within the past 45 years.
Went on for 17 minutes.
It was funnier than AJ's set.
Seriously, nobody laughed at my set because everybody was so miserable.
Are you kidding me?
Oh, I'm not kidding.
And then right before my set, they said, oh yeah, this guy's going to talk about his charity.
And then he went up and he's like, as you guys know, my daughter died in a car accident last year and somebody went, boo!
And then you had to go on?
And then I had to go on after this guy booed this other guy's dead daughter.
And I had to go up and die a second time for him.
Why would they not do that after you?
Because they're not thinking.
Because people think you can just throw comedy anywhere and it's fine.
Well, I feel like doing that at a funeral, they start feeling worse for you than they do for the deceased.
Yeah, that's why the funeral show is the second worst show I've ever did.
You did a funeral?
Yeah, it was booked by Trevor Dion, who did our open mic last night.
And then he booked Mike Fahey to headline, which was a big mistake.
This guy, Mike Fahey, an old friend of ours.
And I asked Trevor, hey, how did the guy pass away?
And Trevor said, oh, they'd rather not say.
I said, no, we have to know.
Because if the guy drowned, we're not going to do jokes about swimming pools.
So Trevor, you got to listen.
Oh, no, no, they don't want to say.
Fahey guessed right.
Fahey guessed correctly, because...
uh they weren't laughing the whole show with the exception of hasmine garza um comic from new york absolutely hilarious comedian uh so fahey he's not getting attention so he stands on a chair uh middle of the room wraps a microphone cord around his neck and the mother deceased left the room crying so we all know how the guy the guy died this is awful yeah these are bad moments to be remembered
mean thank you for sharing it with you oh with me with you wendy said i think i need to wake and bake for this show he would have been happier wendy i'm sorry third worst show we've ever did we did a show at a gun club and uh i feel like that could go anyway
Uh, yeah.
And unfortunately, um, we were doing it with, uh, with this comedian, Drew Dunn.
He's really funny.
And then, uh, with, with Sarah Martin and this other comedian, we used to do shows with, uh, Drew Dunn can pretty much handle any kind of crowd.
Oh, absolutely.
Like, uh, the, the crowd during the show was great, but, but like, uh, people can have like a great time at a, at a show, but if they remember having a bad time, that's, that's the kind of mindset that they're going to have.
Yeah, true.
So this guy that we used to do shows with, Ed Waugh, would always tell a fundraising crowd, hey, listen, if you win the 50-50 raffle, you have the option to keep all the money, give half of it to the charity, or give all of it to the charity.
So this is what you tell people at the beginning of every fundraiser.
Now, at this fundraiser, he entered to win the 50-50 raffle himself.
And then he won it and didn't give any of it to the charity.
And people were pissed because I'm the one that pulled the ticket.
So it looked like it was rigged.
So awkward.
That's one of the best shows we have.
Last Christmas, me and AJ, we went down to Connecticut and did a corporate Christmas show.
And after our sets...
The company had a gingerbread house building competition.
The winning group won like $800.
So they ended up having me, AJ and this other great comedian, Paul Kilmer from Connecticut.
Absolutely hilarious.
Shout out to Paul.
Shout out to Paul.
They had us judging the gingerbread house competition.
I don't know what you know about the world of competitive gingerbread house making.
Very little.
It is more corrupt than FIFA.
You know, I've got to say, my friend Rich kind of had a similar very competitive gingerbread making thing in his corporate world.
So I didn't realize this was a thing.
one one group gave us an extra three hundred dollars to pick there shut up and that was the most that was the one that won we made of course yeah we made more money off of that than the show yeah my opinion is for sale bribes will get you everywhere everyone
that's awkward what about about us looks like we have scruples or business ethics or josh and i would be great for congress like i'm not gonna go there probably do a better job than what's happening right now stephanie who are you gonna offend it's just like hey nancy pelosi is my favorite
How dare you?
Said no one ever.
I burst out laughing last night because somebody sent me a screenshot.
I love townie pages on Facebook.
They're so entertaining.
I love them to pieces.
Somebody said it was like Falmouth Underground or whatever it was.
Run by Phil.
Shout out to Phil.
Is it still Phil?
I don't even know if it's still Phil.
I think it still might be Phil.
I thought he got ousted and then reinstated.
I don't know who he made upset.
Phil is on his seventh profile.
Like, this year.
How many times can you get canceled from a Facebook page?
Damn it, Phil.
And your own Facebook page, nonetheless.
I feel like Indiana Jones.
He'd get lost in his own museum.
That's awesome.
That Falmouth Underground sounds like Drizzly for Percocet.
What do you got?
I don't know.
What do you got?
So there's on there and this woman posts this thing.
I'm thinking about doing a local celebrity luncheon for our nonprofit.
Who would you like to have lunch with?
And it was all state politicians and like me and like one other DJ.
It was like 83% me.
I was like, I don't know if I'm upset about this.
Then people were starting just to add random people to the list and it made me laugh.
But I was like, I'm beating the local politics.
So there's something.
Should I run?
Dude, you beat out Ron Beattie?
Is he even considered a local politician anymore?
The Brazilian population is making us all trans.
He's such a dope.
And he won.
He won an election, which is so upsetting to me.
He's like, I don't understand this Me Too thing.
What's upset-a?
I don't care.
He's such a dope.
It was so much comedy though.
I feel like that people were just like so annoyed by him.
They're like, well, bleep it.
Let's give him a shot.
The man went to jail.
He went to like, he's like all kinds.
You check every box of crazy that should not be in charge of anyone.
And he checked all of them.
He bought the building in front of the Brazilian grill.
And it's just having signs like real Americans.
Honestly, it's it's wild to me that he was elected like we were like, go ahead and give it a shot.
Let's just let him let him see what he can do.
We can't make it any worse because I'm tired of hearing about it.
He blocked me on Twitter and he was trashing me.
And he's like, some so-called comedian is saying, I don't know a thing about women.
That's what he tweeted.
AJ can say whatever he wants about him.
He already has his people protesting his shows.
Yes, all two of them.
But they are steadily on the knockabout pages talking about AJ's pronouns.
I'm not a pronoun.
I'm anti-noun.
AJ welcomes hecklers.
It's like his biggest fan base, right?
I have never welcomed a heckler once.
That's just me.
It's just your comedian friends showing their support and love for you.
Is that what it is?
Yeah, while Josh is on stage, we yell, free Palestine.
Poor thing.
You can't get a break, can you?
The problem is these are, these are typically like 21 plus shows.
So AJ doesn't have any kids to hide behind.
Oh yeah, that's, that's true.
How do you explain that awkward moment to an 11 year old?
um like uh when people have a conversation around you or like obviously she's not at your shows but so she she has come to the show okay she's she's actually uh she's part of your show who we were talking about and you heard my my closer she came up and did that joke with me and it's she delivered it better than you it was incredible and it's so not appropriate but it's so funny it's it's a
Olivia's great.
We're fans.
She was great until she turned 11.
It happens.
Girls somewhere, I feel like 14 to 21 should go live on an island.
And if you make it back, then you can be part of society.
Unfortunately, they did live on an island for such a long time.
We're looking for military schools.
You might have to.
And all of a sudden, Leo DiCaprio is not a bad guy.
Listen, when you're raised by a sarcastic jokester, it does jade you to comedy a little bit, and jade's the way that you see the world.
She's gonna be quippy.
She's gonna be funnier than you.
They definitely absorb it all, and then they're better than you.
You're like, damn it.
You're better than me.
Well, she had issues before I moved in, and not really bullied, but had shit at school.
I've spent four years teaching her to talk shit and then throw hands if she needs to.
So she's a tough kid.
She's not a friend.
Come for me.
Go ahead.
It only gets worse.
But no, we got her doing Kung Fu and I teach her stuff at home.
She goes to USA Kung Fu Academy in Hyannis.
Shout out to Sifu Cruz.
He's a great guy.
You're on cape and looking to learn how to protect yourself.
If you're listening to this show, you probably need it.
You can protect yourself already.
You're fine.
Especially Dorian.
When I started dating my husband, he was very much into Kung Fu and had the swords on the walls.
Were they sharpened?
I'm not going to deny that I have that.
You have the swords as well.
I can't say that it was a particular thing that made me want to date him more.
I kind of tolerated it until I moved in and then the swords came down.
We can't have this.
Swords are the Spanish fly.
And then somebody's going to break into your house and you're going to be like, I wish we had those fucking swords.
That was underneath his bed for years, to be fair.
You get more with a smile and a sword than a smile alone.
I'm fine with the swords being underneath his bed on his side.
That's fine.
They're not on the wall.
I heard a noise.
Get the broadsword.
He starts walking around.
I'm like, you look like an idiot right now.
You know we live in Mashpee, right?
I look like Lion-O from Thundercats because I'm in my underwear.
Oh, the Thundercats.
So underrated.
That's awesome.
such good stuff listen we gotta go we've used up our time for today it's been a whole hour of fun but it's time now those two heckle each other every show i know i have never heckled josh not once john zinc says i would drink cesspool water before voting for beanie and i tend to lean conservative
shout out to john sick most of my family is conservative most of them are conservative and they shake their heads at bd they love trump but they hate bd so good so good all right let everybody know once again where to book all of your shows and find all of your comedy because it gets better i promise you it gets better
It gets better It does Lenny Clark at Knockabout Wednesday the 24th Get tickets now This week's show has already sold out But you can still get tickets for Wednesday the 24th So get them now Don't procrastinate Too freaking bad Because all the tickets are gone the day of So get your tickets now This is more of a reason Because you asked us a month ago Why people should get tickets so early Because they sell out
Let's knock about can fit in maybe like 60, 65 people at most.
So, so those, those, those tickets are going to be gone.
So get tickets now.
It'll, it'll probably be like the last time that you see Lenny while he's on the show extended family, because he's not booking shows in the summertime right now, because we do not know when extended family is going to film, continue filming a second season.
Or with his health, I mean.
It's not like any John Cryer projects have been successful.
First of all, Supergirl was amazing.
Second of all...
For two and a half men, anyone?
Dude, I love how Chuck Jones, two and a half men, his new show.
Chuck Lorre.
Chuck Lorre.
He has Charlie Sheen on it.
Yeah, he's Charlie Sheen.
Bookies is great.
Bookie is great.
Dude, he is.
Charlie Sheen is Angus T. Jones.
He literally is everybody from two and a half men, except John Cryer.
Yeah, right.
So John Cryer must have said something worse than what Charlie Sheen did.
So good.
see john cryer you need to yeah there's 10 people watching right now so come see lenny clark january 24th and then uh josh and i are going to be teaching a comedy course uh coming coming up in the spring and then so it's a 200 course six six week course and after the course uh your first show is going to be at knockabout that's so fun yeah
Put yourself out there, everybody.
I've been looking for a hobby.
Maybe I'll come and take your course and see if I'm any good.
And again, it's only 200 bucks and your showcase show will be at the world famous knockabout.
I feel like if I do that and I paid that money, I would just have to commit to it.
Like I've surrendered.
I'm going to do this for good or for bad.
It's happening.
I'm doing it.
Lynn said, thank you for setting the tone for the day.
I don't know what that means, but I hope it's good.