Jan. 16, 2024

1.16.24 Hank &Stephanie

1.16.24 Hank &Stephanie

It was the most embarrassing space of my life.
So like, let's just peel the bandaid, shall we?
I was supporting a friend who was working out in public in a restaurant, sat down.
My husband joined me for a hot minute.
He was there, slugged a beer and a piece of pizza and left.
So I turned, I didn't even realize he was gone already.
I turned and all of a sudden my chair underneath me started collapsing.
It was a slow motion collapse.
Wasn't that awful when that happens?
Do you ever like an injury or a car accident or anything that's ever happened to you in your life where everything is just slow-mo, even though it wasn't?
But I could just feel the wires underneath me folding.
And I was like, go down.
And it was like a really high barstool that totally just went flat.
And this particular place has concrete floors.
And in true Stephanie fashion, like I had to lay out, made it big and dramatic.
Well, of course.
One of my friends, Eileen Blake's pies and cakes was there laughing.
She set, picks up her bingo card and writes 9.5 on the bottom.
I laughed because I needed to laugh after that because it was so freaking painful.
I bet.
But it knocks the wind out of you, knocks the sense out of you.
You don't even know where you were.
But before I was even standing, some other gentleman helped me back up.
And before I was even standing, they had whisked away the broken stool, put a new one underneath me.
And I was like, what just happened?
It wasn't until later on that evening that I was like, I'm actually injured to the point where I have my it's black and blue for my rump all the way to my leg scapula.
Not good.
Oh, my.
I'm battered, Hank.
Not a great place.
But you managed to get to Newport, though.
I did.
I did.
I had a plan with my girlfriend, my best friend since high school.
We got to Newport for the night.
Stayed at the Viking.
Well, it used to be.
It used to be.
Years ago it was.
Oh, yeah.
And oh, yeah.
Nothing to be embarrassed about.
I was so embarrassed about it until I spoke to my friend and they were like, it's weird.
Later on that night, somebody else's barstool broke.
And I was like, good.
It wasn't the weight of me.
That wasn't my stature, my size.
You know, if you wanted to, you could own that place.
Get a good lawyer.
You could own that place.
The Stephanie in the Morning Enterprise could diversify even more.
Now we're into restaurants.
That is the last place on earth I would want to be right now.
I feel bad for my restaurateur friends.
I had a meeting of the minds to three of my girlfriend's own restaurants, and we were just talking, and they're so stressed out.
It's a lot.
The cost of food, the quality of ingredients, the managing of people right now, all are at an all-time low.
Oh, Megan tells those stories all the time about, you know, customers that she has to she has to deal with.
And I'm like, really?
You would think that we would be better about it, like more patient and kind.
Good morning, Eva, Lynn, Kelly.
Thanks for joining us, Mari.
I appreciate you.
You would think that we would be better at this point in time, but we're just not.
It's not.
There's a lot going on everywhere with everything.
was just reading something about the inflation thing is still affecting us all right yeah but not as bad well i didn't get the stanley cup cliff made me my own stanley cup oh he did oh isn't that nice stanley from the office right
so all of my office characters now stanley has joined the crew hey there you go it's a different stanley cup he's got to work on the placement but i mean it's pretty cool that his little machine came from his his cricket thing yeah he's done all kinds of things right my wife is a fabulous crafter she loves these things somebody said something to me last night i was like oh no he's definitely my wife cliff i don't like that very much
What's up, Debra?
Thanks for joining us this morning.
It's Hank and Stephanie.
We're back together.
We missed each other last week.
Well, we did get our Tuesday in.
We got our Tuesday in.
We didn't get our Thursday in.
Our Thursday in was a bit of a... I checked my phone at least a half a dozen times before I even leave the house.
And for some reason, that text you sent me... Just didn't pop up?
It didn't pop up until I literally pulled up in front.
Well, next time, just come in the house and do the show.
You're fine.
I'll show you how to do it.
Show me how to do it, I guess.
I was like, oh.
Tom, you're on my to-do list today.
We will talk.
We're working on a fundraiser for the Sandwich Road project.
So Save Sandwich Road Now project.
Save Sandwich Road Now.
What road are we saving?
It's not the road.
It's the ginormous apartment complex that they're trying to put on it.
A several million dollar just saved the wetlands area.
It makes no sense, but we're not going to get political right now.
Just keep showing up at town meetings, everybody in Falmouth.
Good morning, Emily.
Yeah, we got snow.
How did that happen?
I didn't know it was coming.
I get up in the morning.
I get up before the sun even rises.
So I don't see outside really.
And I turn on the news and the weather, the weather guy is showing the map and there's snow here and there.
And there's this chunk that's Cape Cod and it's all green and there's nothing there.
So all of a sudden I heard plowing and I'm thinking, what the heck?
And of course, where I live in the villages, they plow our driveways and everything.
And I looked out and I went, oh my God, it snowed.
Did they clean off your car for you in the villages?
No, my car's in the garage.
So I don't have to worry about that.
It's not full of stuff like mine is.
No, no, no.
They hadn't shoveled my sidewalk though, before I left, but that was okay because I can, the garage is attached to the, to our condo.
So I didn't have to walk in the snow at all.
Oh, until I got here.
Until I got here.
Then I had to walk in the snow.
Oh, all right.
So close.
No, no one here is doing that at any point in time.
No, it's all right.
I know it'll be gone in two days.
You would think that strapping lad upstairs that eats me out of house and home would grab a shovel and help people out.
But yeah, that's not their first inclination.
He could have gone to Buffalo and made money shoveling.
Apparently that was a, how long did it take them to clear out for that game?
Besides forever, like two days or something.
It was ridiculous.
I'm so glad that we don't live in that climate.
Oh, Buffalo's crazy.
No, thank you.
That whole northern New York.
You knowingly live where you're going to get feet of snow.
Several feet.
yeah that when i when i used to work for the renewable energy company we had a we had a wind farm up in northern new york and the inn where we stayed at was right on a lake and you could get up in the morning and there could be like a foot of snow yeah out of out of nowhere and it was just like oh that's just lake effect snow oh and they didn't they didn't care they just shoveled it out and went on and
But yeah, I would knowingly live up there.
Yeah, we're supposed to get more snow today.
Oh, really?
Yeah, there's more coming.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, even Emily was like, we're supposed to get more.
Good morning, Gene.
All right, never mind.
Yeah, so we were supposed to, I was chatting with one of my teams.
We had a full trivia night last night, and they were there for us, which is exciting, especially when I was like, oh, no, there's playoff football.
They're not going to be very happy.
But Dino's does a good job of dividing.
This side is for the sports people.
This side is for the trivia and the sports people.
So we had a good mix of a crowd last night.
And I love there's an aged group that comes to our trivia.
A what?
An aged group.
They call themselves the Elderberries.
And how old are they?
I want to say that group starts at about 75, 80.
Oh, okay.
And goes up.
Okay, so I'm younger than them.
But I taught one of the guys how to use Shazam.
They're very funny, but they've morphed now.
Now they're like a mega team.
I try not to let teams be over six, and they're like eight.
Everyone was like, oh, that's a lot of people over there.
I'm like, look, they're bringing more friends.
You let them go.
They didn't win any rounds.
They were close.
I know.
They're the elderberries.
They were adorable.
I really enjoy them.
And they have such a good time.
We have such a vast variety of people.
We had our millennials.
We did 80s and 90s.
So if you're coming to trivia tonight, there's 80s and 90s flair.
Well, there were some definitely Gen Zers there, like barely 21s.
Just at 21.
We weren't alive.
We weren't alive at this.
This is not fair.
Yeah, but they know a lot about 80s stuff because they like 80s music.
Some of it.
90s fashion is back with a bang.
I don't love it.
I didn't think the 90s gave very good fashion.
Apparently it's here.
no thank you everything old is new again yeah right isn't that the cliche sure so buffalo did their very best to try and lose that game last night they came out with a bang and then yeah you know pittsburgh was scraping scraping back at them and i thought they might have had a chance at one point but right yeah pittsburgh tried but but buffalo it's it's it's funny watching watching the playoffs to these teams that have had these up and down during the season they're now sort of coming on when they should except of course the dallas cowboys yeah where their next coach may be you know who
Everybody's saying it's going to be Bill.
Yep, it's going to be Bill.
Do you think he's going to try and revitalize that team, get another ring, and just show everybody?
They got 12 wins this year.
Tommy did it with the Bucs.
Right, right.
He's looking for 15 to become the all-time leader in wins.
He can get 12.
We didn't have a choice.
You know, with the Cowboys.
yep so hopefully he'll get it i knew i shouldn't have parked no he knew too i know you left your keys where he could grab them though right so okay not your fault he's got man time and hours up there i don't even know what he does up there oh all right all right he was up at six like really oh i was up before him well that's what happens i can't help when you're an elderberry
It's what happens.
You're just up now.
So the Bucks, it was very funny because when we were leaving, the Bucks fans rolling on and getting ready for their game.
And that was happening during the Emmys last night.
Not that the same crowd does that, but Rob McElhenney, who is a huge Seahawks Philly fan, was watching it during the Emmys.
They showed a picture of him at the Emmys watching the game.
Well, they lost.
Philadelphia, another place where you know who may coach.
Yeah, who knows?
I think they're saying Dallas.
Yeah, the money seems to be on.
He interviewed in Atlanta yesterday, but Atlanta doesn't have a quarterback, and Atlanta's going to take a lot of work.
Um, but, but Dallas, he can go in and win 12 one year and, you know, a couple, a couple of the next year and retire when he's, he's going to be 72.
So not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.
No, but what the hell else is he going to do?
Yeah, I know he lost the girlfriend.
So he's got time on his hands.
He's got time on his hands.
Now that's a, that's a real shame, Bill.
You screwed up.
Well, maybe he was all set with her.
Maybe she smelled.
We don't know.
They were together for 16 years.
Well, maybe he was over her crap.
Oh, maybe.
Sometimes you just expire.
Maybe she wanted a ring and he said no.
After 16 years, is that what you want to ring?
Here, have one of my Super Bowl rings.
But that other thing, no, not for me.
I feel like after 16 years put in, you don't want a ring.
You want way more than that.
You want, yeah.
You want to be in the will.
I want all of it.
I want everything.
And she was younger than him, so she could have been in the will.
Yeah, right.
You know.
Either way, that's where we're looking.
Belichick probably in Dallas.
And then I saw that Tom Brady's baseball rookie card.
Oh, gee.
Went for $158,000.
Who is spending money for that?
Some fanboy or fangirl.
With nothing else to do.
Meanwhile, we're all complaining it's a recession and we can't get nice things.
$158,000 for Tom Brady playing baseball.
Oh, that's the crazy thing.
Nobody has any money except they do things like that.
You know, it's nuts.
It's crazy how people have no money and then they, as the cliche goes, they spend $7 for coffee at Starbucks.
I'm going to drink the tea for my, well, if you got no, you know, if you have no money, did the other thing that I think is, that I think is, is interesting is, you know, people were talking about how, you know, they, you know, they, they paid it forward.
They, they paid the coffee for the person behind them in Starbucks.
And the comment is always Starbucks.
How's that paying it forward?
Right behind you was ready to spend $12 for a coffee.
That's that's fair.
You know, exactly.
You're really not doing them a favor.
They're going to spend that coffee money tomorrow.
That's not moving it forward, but now paying it forward.
I should say, you know, who was awesome last night.
I keep seeing snippets.
Um, and I'll go back in.
I got a funny text from RTB last night when I saw somebody wearing some stupid dress waltzed pregnant with cutouts and he just responds.
Oh, my.
But I did get a good Christina Applegate throwing jokes the minute she gets up there, throwing an ableist joke.
Ha ha.
You're all standing now.
What are you mocking me?
And then, you know, through an Ozempic joke, body not by Ozempic.
And collected her her Emmy, I thought was incredible.
She's just had such a year.
And Elton John, an official EGOT.
Well, Mari was watching it because I was I was watching, of course, the football game.
And every now and then I'd hear, you know, we got to watch this.
Aren't you watching it?
OK, what?
You know, some some show.
Oh, a new show.
Well, that was good.
I mean, what is it?
The Bear?
oh it's so good yeah yeah we've got to watch it okay fine it's lip from shameless and he's a chef right but just the whole the show is very good okay it's good it's stressful oh i don't need stress i don't want to watch tv and have stress
You actually feel the stress of a restaurateur, a chef.
I know what it's like.
My father owned a restaurant for 25 years.
I know what the stress is like.
You'll like it.
I don't need to watch a TV show to tell me.
Well, then all the craziness that ensues.
And then it makes you hungry because you're watching what they're cooking and it looks really delicious.
I wish I could remember how the joke goes.
But there's a joke about remember the days when if you saw a guy in a...
whatever it is, cut off t-shirt and tattoos.
You ran the other way.
Now you go up and ask him what's his best souffle recipe.
Yeah, absolutely.
She's not wrong.
Cause they're all chefs.
Mari said it was an incredible show.
The whole show was well done.
What's up, Nate?
Sorry about your Steelers.
It was nice.
Mari did call me in when, when some of the old sitcom casts came on, like, like cheers and,
It was good to see them again.
Ally McBeal, Clarissa Flockhart came out dancing to that Barry White song.
It was an integral part of that.
the baby song, right?
The, the all in the family, um, set.
They had that with Rob Reiner and Sally, Sally Struthers, who both look, both look fabulous for them.
Yeah, no, it was, it was, it was what I saw, but it was nice.
I just don't have patience for those kinds of things.
Some, most of those shows, I'm not a huge award show fan.
Some are pretty good.
Rock and roll hall of fame.
Great award show.
Well, of course you would.
They're in the front row.
That's different.
Oh, my God.
I mean, I'd have patience for the Emmys if I was in the front row, too.
Marla Gibbs.
Mark was throwing at you.
Oh, really?
I miss you.
Mark is throwing his hat in the ring.
I think he might.
come back to the Cape Cod airwaves.
Oh, really?
And maybe do a show with us.
Oh, that'd be cool.
I know.
He was a very controversial shock jock on Pixie back in the day.
And we absolutely adore him.
And he's had some health issues.
And I think we might have figured out a way for him to be able to come back to us here on Cape Cod.
Well, if he's a shock jock, just make sure I don't find a way to fire him.
That I'm so looking forward to.
Mark Anthony.
If I can fire Howard Stern, I can fire anybody.
Put your hat on.
Get ready for Papa Hank.
Steelers need changes.
That's all I'm going to say.
Everybody needs changes.
They haven't won a playoff game since 2017.
Don't take the year off, Mark.
You're here.
You're in.
And someone commented on social media.
So Mike Tomlin hasn't won a playoff game since 2017.
Yet still has a job.
And Bill's out of a job.
I don't know.
And they're saying now that Belichick's two sons can stay as coaches if they want.
It's kind of weird, right?
It's kind of nutso.
It really is.
Maybe Bill wanted to go.
Maybe it was in a mutual, it seems mutual.
It sincerely does seem mutual.
It seems like, all right, this is just good for both of us.
Like, let me have a shot at somebody else.
You know, maybe you need some new blood in your organization.
I'm taking too much money.
I don't want a salary cut.
Like this is not where I, this is not my swan song.
And, and not to turn this into, into sports huddle, but another interesting thing that came out was that he didn't want to draft Mac Jones.
but he was instructed by Mr. Craft to be more collegial with the, with the scouting staff and the people in personnel.
And they wanted to draft Mac Jones and he didn't.
And he kept asking, are you sure?
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
There was some other quarterback that he wanted to draft.
I didn't recognize the name, but he went along with them.
Against his better instincts.
And yeah,
So, guys, I didn't want to say I told you so, but now I got to leave because I got to leave.
You know, Robert, I didn't want to draft Mac Jones.
You told me I had to.
Look what happened.
I'm out of here.
uh oh bill and the pats were a healthy breakup not a toxic one yeah very gall maybe maybe that's what it was and and gerard mayo when he was a player he was nicknamed gerard belichick oh so he knows the system because he was really dialed into everything that bill said he's close friends with i think steve belichick who's one of the coaches so you gotta wonder okay we got a different guy there but uh i don't know
interesting yeah and that's it for the sports title this morning yeah i got nothing else i was wearing my bruins hat yesterday that was about as close as i got to sports my girlfriend did go to the bruins game over the weekend what did everybody else do with their children for an extra day i did nothing
I think they're already, they're just really having a hard time getting back into the swing of things.
Well, post Christmas, they just came back from vacation and they're off again.
And the kids in sandwich were off on Friday.
So it was an extra long time off.
And now we have snow today.
They were checking their phones.
Did we get an email?
Did we get a text message?
No, you're going to school.
We're not.
She's not taking the day off.
It's not that much.
No, it's not.
Good morning, Sandy.
Thanks for joining us.
I told them about MLK.
oh and that's why you're having a day off that's it right oh say hi to mom marie said oh hi mom is mom on today apparently she's here okay welcome hey that that would be my sainted mother-in-law so you want to do crazy crime for your sainted mother-in-law oh
The sandwich police department, of course, comes through.
And this is a really interesting story.
It's a story about and I'll and I'll I mean, the entry is like this.
But essentially what happened was a child got off a school bus and there was a car that parked out of respect because the lights were blinking and everything.
And the child came back on absolutely freaked out because the child thought that the person was enticing them to get into their car.
and the bus driver reported it and later on the driver of the of the it was a truck actually uh reported it to the police and what he said was he had stopped and he was waving
Yeah, because it's the law.
You have to stop for school bus.
Right, right.
And I think the lights went off on the school bus, but the driver went like this to wave the child across the street, and the child thought, I guess he was going like this.
But I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Well, that's what the bus driver, I guess, had said, that the kid could not orate exactly what happened and just really kind of had a meltdown.
Right, right.
But to have... That's super scary.
I understand you have to be careful with your children and you have to tell them to be careful.
But to have them...
That have a meltdown meltdown because someone is, I don't know.
It's weird.
It's very strange.
I'm sorry.
I feel bad.
Because the guy didn't do anything.
I mean, the driver didn't do anything wrong.
He was doing the right thing.
Come on.
You can cross the street.
I got to hand it to you.
You bus drivers and anybody that deals with children and education at this moment in time.
Hats off to you.
You are dealing with a whole lot of situations.
My girlfriend, who I had my day off with in Newport, she's in special education.
Oh, my.
And just the stories.
It's just a lot.
She said, we call my class from Vegas.
Because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and we can't even deal with the situation that's going on.
She just said, it's just so wild at this point in time.
And with, with their special needs groups, it's, it's a very, you name it.
I said like the star Wars bar, then she said, basically it is just abilities needs.
And the amount of teachers that they have to cover all of this is, is,
non-existent so it's super stressful for everybody involved and that's got to be not a great space i also talked to my daughter over the weekend and she's dealing with the same thing on the west coast so it doesn't matter where we are particularly geographically it seems to be a situation across the board of people needing services that they're not getting
And it's not great.
And, and, and they're coming from who knows what in a home situation and okay, I'm at school now.
And then the teacher's got to figure out, okay, what do we do?
know how do we get this person to function within you know people in the in the classroom with other with other kids right trying to make sure that they're not disruptive they have the right to be there i guess but to make them not disruptive it's got to be it's got to be nuts yeah switching gears a little bit we had a big winner at one of our shows somebody won 15 grand on a scratch ticket really
Well, congratulations.
I know.
And so that prompted me to be like, okay, so that is our question of the day.
If you follow our questions of the day, Stephanie in the morning on Facebook, we, I just threw out there.
You got 30 minutes.
You got 15 grand.
Where are you spending it?
I'm going to Dick's sporting goods.
Dick's sporting goods.
Because you can get close.
Well, I'll get a new, new gorgeous set of golf clubs.
but you can get clothes too.
That's the neat thing about dicks.
All right, there you go.
You can get some really nice clothes, clothes, clothes, and a wicked cool set of golf clubs.
All right.
I can get clothes for everybody in the family.
Spend $5,000, $6,000 on a ton of golf clubs and still have $9,000 left to buy clothes and shoes.
Yeah, right?
I mean, you can hit the grocery store and just get a bunch of gift cards, but that's no fun.
I'm thinking Louis Vuitton.
Like, I've always wanted a couple.
Oh, there you go.
I mean, that'll take me three seconds.
I'll walk out with that.
I can hold everything in my hands with that.
But if I won something like that, I would want something specifically for me and something that I would never buy myself.
I can go practical with it also because I'm also a Capricorn and that happens.
Notice neither one of us said, well, I'm going to pay down some bills.
Or I'm going to put it towards my mortgage and reduce my mortgage.
No, absolutely not.
I know we're just, I'm going to donate it to charity.
Not happening.
I mean, I would.
I would love to.
I feel like I donate my time to charity all day, every day.
The amount of board meetings I've been in the last two weeks, I can't even tell you.
We're doing a lot.
You were in the United Way.
I actually got to spend the day with another one of your United Way peoples.
And we were judging Miss Cape Cod.
So over the weekend, there was a snafu with the venue.
And we ended up judging Miss Cape Cod off-cape.
which made me laugh how was there a snafu with the venue they double booked the venue and we got bumped apparently i'm not going to say where because i don't want to hose them but it was oh but go on social media and throw it out there i didn't do that either none of us did what's up wendy hi mary hi virginia so we went to this cute little theater in middleborough
And we did Miss Cape Cod, and this is the Miss America program.
So Miss Teen Cape Cod was before we got there, and we were sequestered in a little room.
I know.
So from 3 p.m.
into, like, 10 p.m., we were, you know, just...
doing our thing.
We got to watch the show.
These women all were phenomenal.
All completely different.
All completely worthy, valid.
And I'm very excited at the winner.
She happens to work for Black Dog.
Oh, really?
So she is now a Mashapian.
And I'm pumped for her to bring her voting initiatives and some of her other fun things to our town.
She's a good egg.
And I'm really excited.
But I sat there and...
Last name's Barber from the United way.
And she's like, um, yeah.
So I would sit next to Jackie.
I have a meeting with Jackie at nine o'clock.
So I got to spend my Saturday with Jackie.
I like Jackie a lot.
And we had a lot of laughs and she's like telling me all of our friends we had in common.
It's funny when you meet somebody from Cape Cod that you all know all of each other's surrounding five friends.
It's a degrees of separation.
But then to sit there and go, I'm like, oh, I don't know about that, friend.
Oh, that's how you know me by.
Oh, all right.
Well, Hank, we got Hank.
We got Hank.
Jackie manages all the grant applications.
That's amazing.
And she has to deal with those of us on the Community Impact Council who, you know, sort of.
decide with the help of people on our committees.
That's got to be a really tough job.
What gets funded and what doesn't get funded.
And, you know, if you have a dodo like me who doesn't submit it on the right spreadsheet and you got to get back to him and say, no, Hank, I know you put it on that spreadsheet, but that's not the right one.
Well, that's why we have people that know those things.
Yeah, yeah.
I think she's accustomed to me by now.
You guys, we're the creatives.
We do our best.
What's up, Ashley?
Thanks for joining us this morning.
It's not that side of the brain.
Oh, that spreadsheet as opposed to this one.
So I did all these things that came up with all these points to rate these organizations, but I don't have to put it on that.
Well, maybe talk a little bit about what the United Way does, because I always you fund other nonprofits, right?
United Way is different in that United Way raises money to distribute to other organizations.
United Way doesn't distribute money directly to people in the community or people in need.
We distribute money to various organizations that apply through
Pretty good, pretty strenuous grant process.
So if you're looking for a way to kind of have a impact across the board in the community, United Way is a great way to go because we kind of cover everything.
I'm chairman of the health committee, and I got to tell you, at least or almost half of the applications that I've reviewed deal with food insecurity.
That's difficult.
And I just keep thinking to myself, okay, how is this health?
Because health, you automatically think you're going to deal with some kind of a medical condition or something.
But yeah, I think almost half.
with food insecurity up and down the Cape, up and down the Cape.
And it's just, it, it's just crazy.
And you wouldn't talk about things you don't know.
You wouldn't have any idea.
Um, what goes on and what, or what doesn't go on.
And, um,
Some other kind of interesting organizations, one of which I hope you and I can work with, but I can't talk about that now.
And we have our meeting at 9 o'clock this morning to sort of make the first cut, and then we'll start the more complicated discussions.
That's gotta be stressful.
I always hate leaving people behind, especially when they are doing good things in the community.
But I mean, there's a process and you have to go through it.
Cause every, everyone who submits an application is doing something good.
And, and you know, they're, they're proud of what they do and they're, and they're providing a service and to be in the position where you're sitting and say,
Yeah, but no, not this year.
You know, I go, oh, really?
That's the beauty of it.
Not this year.
It doesn't mean it's not.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
You can.
We just can't help you this year.
And I'm talking about Jackie.
There's some organizations, you know, that I know that, you know, Jackie will help them find other funding sources.
You know, did you try here?
Did you try there?
So she's really she's really good like that.
And that's above and beyond what she has to do.
for United Way is to, you know, kind of point.
So it's a great organization to donate to.
If you're making your financial plans for the year.
Again, if you want to do just like across the board, I want to have an opportunity to, you know, hit on a number of issues that that's where you go to United Way.
Well, and I appreciate that a lot of volunteers go into making sure that your money that you are donating go to a space that is making a real impact in our community.
So that's important.
And another thing that we try to do, at least I try to do, is that when we give out grants, it's for the people that the organization works with.
yeah it's not for basic expenses in in my mind we're not going to pay somebody's rent okay you know because first of all that's not sustainable because the grant is from year to year and if we pay your rent this year and you don't get the grant next year well then what yeah you know how have you helped the people that you were um trying to help if all of a sudden
you're out of a place to go because we didn't give you the money to pay the rent.
Yeah, that's fair.
That's a good way to be.
Good morning, Dave.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Hey, Amy, where are you in your travels?
I love following your adventures.
Her and her husband do a lot of RV travel.
It's super fun to watch where they're going to pop up next.
And they've got the dogs, too.
You've got your hands full.
That's all I have to say.
Oh, Nate.
Yes, I know that he's going to be on your podcast.
Go easy with him.
don't break him i'm going on next podcast on i think we're we're we're taping it or whatever you do on thursday what's up adam adam is uh a chauffeur if you will where your uh your airport travels i've got to have a conversation with you i just want to grab a beer with you at knockabout one day and be like tell me about the worst person you've ever picked up tell me about the worst thing
And also the best thing, you could have had a best customer that gave you the best tip and the best advice.
I'm always curious when you work in people face fronting industries, how that works out for you.
I did that for one summer.
chauffeuring, driving people around.
I got, I got involved.
I was, I was teaching.
It was the summer and the husband of a, of a friend of ours, you know, said, Hey, you're not doing anything.
We could use a little help because we're busy with the summer taking people back and forth.
You know, just part-time, you know, a couple of them.
And all of a sudden, he ended up working full-time all summer long.
And I can't say that I really came across anybody who was really difficult.
There were some people who got impatient.
There were some people who, you know, for example, flew in from...
you know another part of the country and i picked them up at 8 30 and they were taking the last boat over to you know nantucket or martha's vineyard and there were some times we just didn't get back in time yeah and then it was like okay what do you do with them i'm gonna help you find a hotel i gotta find him a place to stay now
That seems like a lot of involvement.
You know, and then they have, you know, they have no cars.
So how do they, it was, I had, I had a couple of those and you just have to feel bad for those folks because they're coming here on vacation.
They don't have any idea of, you know, what's going on and how long it takes to get from A to B. Yeah.
People do not realize how big the Cape is.
No, they don't.
They're like, how about we go over there?
I was like, that is not close.
Provincetown is an hour and a half away from here.
Oh, yeah.
It's not around the corner.
A lot of people don't understand that Provincetown isn't like five minutes from Sandwich.
Okay, 15 minutes.
Right, I know.
In your P-Town.
No, you're not.
It's a day.
See ya.
Enjoy it.
Yeah, it's a day for us who live here.
We live on the Upper Cape.
Hi, Lynn.
I hope everybody's doing all right in your neck of the woods.
I know that there was a health scare.
Ashley, I threw an abusive client out on 128 for being verbally abusive at Logan.
No, that's not fun.
I never had to do that.
The most interesting person I picked up
was someone who I thought was, from the conversations that we had when he knew that I was involved in marketing, I thought he was the head of marketing for a very large golf company.
out in, out in Fairhaven and in, in a cushion.
And I picked him up.
I don't know how many times.
And then I happened to mention to someone, Oh yeah, you know, I've been picking up lately.
And they said, you know, he is the president of Titleist.
Oh, Oh.
And I went, he is.
I never knew.
I should have asked him for more.
He's not a great tipper.
You know, because we just talked, we just talked marketing and, and you know, stuff like that.
And I thought that was his, that was his thing, but he was the president of, he was the big guy, right?
Nothing wrong with that.
That's exciting.
Uh, Valentine's day is approaching and I know it's super stressful for our singles.
I we're, we're doing some stuff.
So we've teamed up with a couple of online dating groups, uh,
And first, we're going to have monthly meetups over at Knockabout.
It's going to be the last Sunday of every month where singles can come, grab a beer, do a craft, do a Stephanie Viva-inspired activity.
So it's not super awkward.
So I don't have to plan to go.
No, you're good.
I'm good.
You're good on this one.
Also, we've got a speed dating event that is coming up right on Valentine's Day.
And we're doing this in hopes of just meeting somebody else.
Not the same people that you're swiping and seeing.
Not the same Facebook people.
Not the same.
Because there's dating on Facebook.
There's dating on 14 different things.
Whether it's Bumble and the Girls, The Chooser, or Hinge.
Thank God I wouldn't know.
Or just like the regular hookup apps.
It seems to be the same dating pool no matter how many times you've put yourself back on the apps or removed yourself.
These are the common complaints that I hear from my single friends.
So we are going to be doing a fun speed dating event.
So that's it.
You've got to be over 21.
No cap on the ages.
We're doing it exactly on Valentine's Day.
We're going to be doing it over at Wicked.
And we're going to have events to follow after our speed dating icebreaker, if you will.
But it is going to be a little bit game showy.
And we are going to have some fun.
So if you're single on Valentine's Day and looking for something to do, we're definitely going to do it.
Is that going to be you or is that going to be Brie?
Oh, no, I'm hosting.
You're hosting?
I'm hosting.
I don't think Brie could handle that.
We love you, Brie.
I don't think she could handle that.
Don't take that the wrong way.
No, I mean, well, it's just not a program.
I mean, we're, we're developing it right now, so it should be interesting.
No dates for me.
I'm good.
I'm full.
My, my dance calendar is full.
You decided to, to, to re up the babe and he's fine.
With 35 years this year.
That's incredible.
No kidding.
I mean, that's what's your secret.
We're wicked patient with each other.
You just have to be patient.
That's all.
Sometimes you just got to say, okay, just, you know, because I just saw this article, how to be successfully married.
And 11 relatively easy steps.
11 relatively easy steps.
Let's tack that on the bathroom mirror.
Oh, my God.
Especially with 11 easy steps.
I laughed.
And, of course, I'm the looky-loo.
I'm like, oh, what's this?
So what is it?
Forgive and forgive often.
This is number one.
You don't have to forget, but you do have to forgive.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You have to forget, too.
My wife is Italian.
She doesn't forget.
And this isn't like a wife joke or anything or whatever.
No, that's fair.
She's Italian.
And all of a sudden, something that I did 27 years ago pops up.
And I thought I apologized for that.
Well, I guess I didn't.
I'm sorry.
Touch each other.
Hold hands.
Somebody said, I have this stupid sign that's above our bed that says, always kiss me goodnight.
And I make him kiss me goodnight.
So here's the difference between us.
She's a hand holder.
I'm an arm around her.
All right.
Well, either way, you're touching each other.
So you're doing the thing.
But she wants to hold hands.
She doesn't like an arm around her.
I like an arm around her.
I'm not.
Hold hands.
Hands get sweaty.
The receiving line after our wedding.
Mari said no fries.
No fries.
Oh, whatever.
Yes, that was 32 years ago.
The receiving line after our wedding was standing outside the church and she's standing next to me and I'm going like this in the receiving line and she's going whack and pushing my hand away because she had a crown or something and there was ribbons back here and by putting my arm around her I was doing that.
So moments after we were married, she was already smacking me around.
Now what's the no fries story?
Oh, you want the no fries story?
Just the bullet points.
Her birthday, her birthday or mother's day.
I don't, I don't remember.
Megan was just born.
We had a house full of people and we hadn't eaten.
So I said, what do you want?
She said, I don't go to McDonald's and get a hamburger.
so i went to mcdonald's and got a hamburger yeah because that's what i was told to get right because i'm a literal kind of guy right i didn't get french fries oh so i came in and i said here's your hamburger mcdonald's without getting fries i said here's your hamburger and she said no fries i said no you didn't want fries boom threw the hamburger right at me stormed upstairs
Cause she's dealing with, you know, the, the afterbirth, all of the things, hormones thing and everything.
32 years ago.
And she doesn't let it go.
Always get the fries.
Someone will eat the freaking fries somewhere.
Who just gets a hamburger and doesn't get fries?
I do, animal.
I'm also, I'm a non-fryer.
I like fries, but... I'll get them and then give them to whatever, whoever is around me because I'm never alone.
So there we go.
Forgive, touch each other.
Those are two steps.
Say you're sorry even if you're not.
defend each other okay realize that there are very few for unforgivable acts I feel like that still falls into the same thing yeah laugh together love with your entire heart
Don't take each other too seriously.
Be proud of one another.
Remember the young, naive person that you fell in love with.
Be kind.
Oh, be kind.
These are your 11 steps, apparently, to a relatively easy, successful marriage.
Relatively easy.
I mean, most of those are good ideas.
When it comes down to it, just be patient.
Mari said it was her 30th birthday.
30th birthday, okay.
And you didn't bring any fries.
I know.
I love it.
That's a good story to have, though.
Oh, it's a wonderful story.
You'd be surprised how many times the story gets told.
Well, I love it, and it's the first time I've heard it, and I've known you for years.
I know.
Yeah, no.
No, that's a classic.
Mark says he was not trying to be a shock jock.
We're just teasing you, Mark.
We're excited if you join us here at Lemonadeo.
And I think a lot of Cape Cod will be very, very excited for you to join us as well.
We love Branch and the band.
The band needs to get bigger.
We're working on it.
Your jazz show has got a lot of followers.
Thank you.
One of the things I always wanted to be when I grew up
I always liked jazz and I always wanted to do that.
And eventually jazz became, I mean, there used to be radio stations that played nothing but jazz.
And as time went on and rock and we can go on and on about the programming changes, jazz became less and less popular.
And it was pretty much relegated to public radio stations, not that there's anything wrong with that.
But I just never had a chance to do it.
I had a chance to do it once, oddly enough, during the blizzard of 78.
because I've worked for a radio station that's usually signed off at 11 o'clock but we stayed on all night during the blizzard of 78 and they needed somebody to just play music just like overnight to keep the thing going yeah and I went I will I will I will and I grabbed all my jazz records and I went in and I played jazz all night long but I really love it I've got some you know
some great stories.
We're adding some new music that you guys, I think are going to find interesting.
Um, we're adding some more current day performers, um, that is going to kind of going to kind of mix things up.
And, and you know, what I always say is it's not, Oh God, it's jazz.
No, it's,
You know that.
People hear jazz and they go, oh, God, anything but that.
This is not your Kenny G's.
It's not your elevator music.
No, no, no.
It's not Kenny G. It's not like that.
Have a great day, Lynn.
It's not the other stuff where you listen to it and you go, okay, is this supposed to be a song?
Does this have a point?
Does this have a point?
I think they call it progressive jazz.
Nothing wrong with that, folks.
Nothing wrong with that.
This is nice music, and it fits really well in a Sunday morning.
So I'm glad people like it, and I'm just having a blast.
Yeah, it's a nice relaxing way to wake up on your Sundays.
And you gave me an extra hour, so I have four hours now.
See, so you've got plenty of time to be able to enjoy Hank on a Sunday morning.
It's definitely worth a listen.
I don't bring the fries.
Didn't they ask, do you want fries with that?
What's up, Michael?
An egg McMuffin and fries.
Michael from Bella Luxury Transportation.
Hey, Michael.
I saw Mari's card on one of his flyers.
I was like, Oh, there's Mari.
She's here.
She's there.
She's everywhere.
She really is.
What's going on in the real estate market right now?
Rates are dropping.
All right.
You heard it.
I saw one on Friday.
That's that was five, nine.
So they're really starting to get better, getting better.
So if you're, if you're thinking that,
you know, I got to make a move or, you know, this house is too big or this house is too small.
Now's the time to start planning because when it really hits whatever number you're looking for, there's going to be a thousand other people looking for that same number.
And the inventory is still kind of limited, but I just think that cycle is going to break.
you know one of these one of these days at some point that the people that are in the houses that are too small are going to decide to sell and the people in the houses that are too big they're going to decide to sell going to decide to sell and everybody's going to move up and around because because that's how it works yeah you know right exactly i mean you guys are looking to get out of your house because it's just going to be the two of you well i mean and it also doesn't matter because like wherever we are in the market when we sell
we're buying into the market again.
So it's not like there's going to be a big exchange.
That's going to win one way and lose the other.
It's just not going to happen.
But you're not going to need this face.
You did.
No, I'm looking forward to that.
I can't believe my daughter graduates in June.
It's like wild to me.
I know.
To have this.
What are you going to do with your life?
I was talking to my other daughter and both of them are considering the Navy at this point in time.
I said, wouldn't it be funny if you both were in at the same time?
And she said, we had this conversation together.
And I love the fact that they're friends and they chat outside of us, which makes me really happy.
I feel like we did a good job in that respect.
We have a nice relationship.
Your other daughter in San Diego, right?
She is.
Well, there's a huge Navy presence.
And she, Gina went to her recruiter.
She took her as vibes.
She's like physically fit and ready to go.
Like everything.
She checked all the boxes, like actively considering doing it.
And it makes me a little nervous given the way the world is right now.
I can't say that I'm not nervous about it, but I also feel like it's so good for them to be able to explore that.
And it's really the first adult decision that they're going to be making and they, you know, get funds for it.
And she's like, mom, the pay is terrible.
And I said, but think about it.
All of your needs are met for you.
What do you need your pay for?
I remember when I graduated from all of my training in the army.
I bought a vehicle outright because I had no need for actual money.
My food was taken care of.
My clothing was taken care of.
My rent was taken care of.
Your healthcare was taken care of.
We didn't have to pay for your healthcare.
We're not talking it's not glamorous or anything like that, but it's taken care of.
So I was able to sock away money enough to be able to buy the things that were pretty incredible for someone that's 19 years old to be able to do that.
And if you stick with it, you can retire after 20 years.
And then do what you want to do.
And then do what you want to do with the job that you learned.
It really is a nice training space.
So I am an advocate for serving our armed forces in some fashion, even though, you know, a lot of it's... You hear the stories.
You live the stories.
If you've been in, then you know.
But I really do say it's a good place to learn a lot of things for...
low low cost of your body right there's a give and take for everything that you choose it is the low we have the lowest enrollment right now in our armed forces really pretty much forever since ever wow that's kind of scary right and and demographically a lot of the people who are um in the armed forces i mean it all comes from from a particular demographic which is kind of weird yeah
We don't get into that because that's not this kind of show, but yeah, it's kind of weird.
RTB said for the market, the real estate market, spring and fall is usually when the inventory is larger.
So we're heading there.
So if people are thinking spring, it's spring.
In the real estate market, it's already spring.
When are pitchers and catchers?
Pitchers and catchers are five weeks now, maybe even four.
And the Red Sox still need a bat.
And they still need a top-of-the-line pitcher.
Our sports teams are a disaster.
And I think that's something that Nate and I are probably going to talk about when I tape his pod on Thursday.
They're going to be a disaster, folks.
And I love the Red Sox.
And I grew up in Boston and I've been a Red Sox fan for a very long time.
This is going to be a disaster.
Well, you know, at least we're prepared for that.
Our children have never seen the likes of how bad our sports teams could possibly get like we have.
So they don't know.
They haven't had this situation for them.
They've been raised on championship after championship and fanfare after fanfare, and they don't know the years of suffrage we put in to get here.
When I was watching the coverage of everything that went on with Coach Belichick, one of the TV reporters that I was watching, Katrina Kincaid, who's actually Miss Massachusetts, she was talking about how she has never known a time when there was not a Coach Belichick.
she's 25 26 years old maybe i don't i don't know but like he's always been there right pretty crazy pretty crazy oh it's nuts it's it's it's nuts that that one guy would have been there for for so long here we are back to sports you can't let it go can't let it go all right so we're we're wrapping things up here today what else do you wanna anything you want to hit that we missed
No, I don't think so.
Coming up on lunch break this afternoon, we're going to talk about some things you can do to make yourself popular at a party.
Oh, I'll have to listen to lunch break.
I'm curious.
Actually, there's 33 things we won't get.
That's a lot of things.
We won't get through them all today.
But for somebody like me who is, you know, kind of withdrawn sometimes at parties.
I don't see this.
Oh, yeah.
No, I am.
Well, when you're next to Mari, that's different.
Well, yeah.
See, that's the thing.
You know?
And I'm just there.
It's the same.
It's like if you're at a party with me and my husband just kind of sits there and he's like, just let her.
I'll be over here.
He enjoys that role.
That's why Cliff and I get along so well.
You say, go ahead, let them go.
They're busy.
They're busy.
I'll just, you know, and then when it's time to go, you say it's time to go.
Can we leave now?
I love that.
Lunch break with Hank, you'll learn some party tips.
Right, right.
You know, and I'll say to Mari, you know, you said you were going to leave now.
And 45 minutes later.
Babe, I've got fries.
Let's go.
That's all you have to say.
Whatever it is that you're doing today.
I hope it's great.
I'm sorry if you have to shovel.
Stay safe.
I'm going to be out tonight at Shipwrecked.
Make sure you are visiting us at our events.
When are they doing the plunge?
Not this weekend.
Polar plunge.
Next week.
February 25th.
Oh, February 25th.
February 25th.
Oh, they've moved it way out now.
It is going to be extra cold by then.
Oh, isn't that.
Or maybe it'll be warmer.
We don't know.
It's New England.
Wait a minute.
I don't know.
Mariana and I were talking about doing it.
If it was the end of the month, I don't know about February 25th.
Yep, it is.
Push to February.
I will get you all the dates on it.
But if you want to jump into the ocean.
Oh, I might be away.
Do a little cold plunge.
I might be away.
I might be in Orlando.
I'm trying to get out of here.
Caroline, I don't even know how you're dealing with the Maine aspect of snow.
We've got like a couple of inches and it's like festive looking.
You're in Maine snow, which is different kind of snow altogether.
Like snowmobiling.
This is, this is going to be here for a few months.
Not for me.
Kind of snow.
That's definitely not for me either.
I like to visit it though.
Oh yeah.
Oh, this is nice.
I'm going back home now.
it's not that bad all right go to go to portland or something yeah right lemonade events we are teaming up with ryan's 10 pin eatery that is for dinner date nights we're going to be doing those tuesdays and thursdays and tuesday is going to be music bingo thursdays is going to be trivia and come enjoy some dinner and hang out with us at ryan's 10 is that going to be you or a minion
Thursday is going to be me.
Oh, good.
Yeah, until we find the right minion for the fit.
It's going to be a right fit with a venue and a host.
And if you ever want to be a host, please.
We are training new people by the day.
We've got a couple of new ones coming up.
Nate has been working on it.
Amina has been working on it.
And they might be ready to host their own shows.
So if you're not seeing Lemonadio in your town...
please ask for us.
We would be happy to come there.
And we've got some great hosts and very, very fun entertainment for you.
Want to give them the phone number that you never answer?
Yeah, 1-866-9LEMONS.
Leave a message.
Yeah, and eventually she'll get back to you.
There is a message.
Kathy said, I met somebody from Buffalo.
She called Snow in Vermont cute.
I feel like as a Buffalo person, that is absolutely what it is.
Oh, cute.
Isn't that nice?
Hold my snowplow.
I got to get to work.
Buffalo is a special breed of people as we witnessed from watching whatever game that was.
Hi, Danielle.
And by Danielle, we're wrapping up the show today.
Have a great day, everybody.
And we'll talk soon.
See you later, kids.
I think this is bye.
Or maybe this is bye.
I don't know, Hank.
I never know.
I'm figuring it out.
Everybody else in Lemonadeo.com land.
Thank you for joining us.
Hank's lunch.