Aug. 2, 2020

Divorce Planning - Panel Discussion

Divorce Planning - Panel Discussion

In times of Coronavirus, will divorces increase due to more time together?  Learn about the challenges and benefits of working with clients going through divorce.  Our esteemed panel discusses how to approach the needs of those going through...

In times of Coronavirus, will divorces increase due to more time together?  Learn about the challenges and benefits of working with clients going through divorce.  Our esteemed panel discusses how to approach the needs of those going through divorce in a holistic manner.  Whether Collaborative law, mediation, or litigation, hear about the possibilities.  Panel includes Gina Arons, Psy.D., Atty. David Kellem, & Chris Chen, CFP® CDFA. Kristin Beane co-hosts with Chris Boyd.

Chris Chen shares insights for financial professionals focusing their practice around clients going through divorce.

Gina Arons, Psy.D. (Psychologist, Collaborative Law Coach, Mediator), Lincoln, MA 781-259-3434 | |

 Chris Chen, CFP® CDFA, Insight Financial Strategists, Newton, MA                         781-489-3014 | |

Atty. David Kellem – Divorce Attorney & Mediator, Hingham                                              781.304.4001 | |