May 13, 2021

Emily and Mariah of Wild Water Collective in Orleans on "3-Minutes" Hosted by Stephanie Viva

Emily and Mariah of Wild Water Collective in Orleans on

This dynamic entrepreneurial duo is poised to bring the "maker" out in all of us. The shop, set to open on May 15th, and they have been collecting, sewing, and buying all of the things they like to share with you.

Wild Water Collective is their Artist Collective to Main St. in Orleans, and Mariah and Emily cannot wait to open workshops, showcase handcrafted pieces, and bring one-of-a-kind gems to all.

These young women have brought to life a shop that hasn't been open in five years, and we can't wait to see what magic they create.

Follow them on Instagram, so you don't miss anything and subscribe for more good things!